Awareness – One Power Tool for Goal Achievement

To enhance successful goal achievement, it helps you to have awareness about why you want to reach this goal, and to also be aware of various aspects of your goal. Here are some examples of questions to reflect for increased awareness:

1.What is the reason for you having this goal?    What is your Why?   Ask yourself what achieving this goal would mean for your life. Ask again, find the why behind the why. We reach our goals better when the goal is meaningful and we know the reason we want to achieve the goal’s outcome.

Example: Susan has a goal of getting a job promo – why? Earn more money. Why? To buy a home. Why? To have status as a home owner. Why? She wants people to admire her. Why? Perhaps she has low self esteem. You get the picture.

2.Is the reason you want to achieve your goal in alignment with your passions and values; are you being true to yourself?    Or are you doing this for someone else?

3.What are the action steps to achieve my goal?

4.Are you aware of any research needed and if so, have you done your research?

5. Is now the right timing to work towards that goal

6. Are there any distractions, obstacles or fear that would slow you down or stop your taking actions towards goal achievement? 

7. aware of any bad habits, such as procrastination that may stop you from achieving goals?

8. is the goal realistic?  John’s goal may not be realistic now – with having to work full time and raise his children

9. in what way will you track your progress and adjust as needed?

10. Are you working from the heart,  or head?  Love or fear?

11. if it’s a big project and overwhelming, in what ways can you make it manageable? For example, break down big actions into bite size pieces.

Allow yourself to take the time to explore and answer these questions, which will support you in achieving your goal!

Here’s to your empowerment and successful goal achievement!

Kate Heartsong

© copyrite 2024 Joyful Radiance Kate Heartsong

Realize Your Greatness!

photo credit ximagination

It’s vital that you realize you are an important and special person!  Each of us are here offering our unique gifts and skills, and experience our own journey of life.  How special is that!

Here’s a tool to use that will support you in building a better self-image which supports you realizing your greatness.  You are invited to use this tool daily!
Self-appreciation Tool
This tool works great when you sincerely appreciate yourself for your gifts, skills, talents and also accomplishments (big or small) you’ve done.  Take a piece of paper and write down 3 to 5 gifts, skills, talents and/or accomplishments you appreciate yourself for.  You may already know what these are, but if you don’t, think about those things you love to do, or skills people compliment you on, and also think about what you’ve done to help out your friends, co-workers, family and/or your community.
Now, sit in a comfortable chair, with both feet on the ground, and relax. Feel in your heart a sincere appreciation you have for someone in your life.  Keep FEELING the appreciation for this person for a few minutes.  Now, pick one of the skills or gifts you have and start appreciation yourself for this.   Continue feeling this for a few minutes, with sincere gratitude for yourself!  You’ll find yourself being uplifted and feeling better!
You’re invited to do this on a daily basis, and you’ll find you’ll benefit by recognizing the good of who you are. Remember that it’s not egotistical to appreciate yourself.  Realize that the more you appreciate yourself, the more you’re able to give to others!
Here’s to your confidence, joy, empowerment and fun!
Kate Heartsong

©copyrite Joyful Radiance LLC

Will You Help Bring in the New Earth?

I’m honored to be a messenger about the evolutionary shift humanity is going through right now. In order for us individually and collectively bring in a more loving, respectful, peaceful, kind and harmonious humanity, which includes knowing we’re all interconnected and respecting Mother Earth, each of us CAN contribute! Following is an excerpt from my latest book Humanity’s Cry for Change. Together we CAN make a positive difference in our lives and for humanity!

To reach the new earth more effectively and easily, it is best to implement the following:

  • Go with the predominant changes occurring with the evolutionary shift happening worldwide. Those who resist this shift will have a harder time adapting to the new environment.
  • Work on your own personal healing (on your own and/or with a professional). As you address, process, release and thus heal, from any childhood trauma, unresolved upsets and/or life challenges, you clear out negativity and you bring in positivity.  On all levels of your being, you are healthier and energetically lighter.  This results in your capacity to live a more joyful, harmonious and peaceful life, as well as having a higher level of consciousness. 
  • Live from the higher vibrational emotions such as love, kindness and respect, versus lower vibrational emotions such as anger, jealousy or hatred. (Everything in the universe, including emotions, have a certain level of vibration. “Higher” and “lower” here refers to the level of vibration).
  • By living authentically and in alignment with their individual true essence, people will experience a more optimal life. This means to genuinely live in a way that honors their true character and offering their real gifts and talents. 
  • Come to understand and know that all life is interconnected. When people achieve this understanding and knowing of how life is, they naturally respect all forms of life, resulting in increased collaboration, kindness, peace and harmony throughout humanity.
  • To effectively bring in the new earth requires considering all components of a system that are affected, including when creating a new organization, business, construction project, or community organization. It also requires successfully implementing policies and procedures to support equity for, and inclusion of, the diverse employees as well as the clients or customers of any organization.

Would love you to post your comments here.

Wishing you empowerment and joy!

Kate Heartsong

©Copyright Joyful Radiance, LLC Kate Heartsong

Peace or Upset. Which do You Choose?

When you’re faced with something challenging, an upset or just something not going right, what do you do? Hopefully you acknowledge your emotions and feelings about it, then process them, and then get back to calm and be centered.

Sometimes something is so upsetting that we’re in the midst of those emotions for hours or maybe days. Last week I had something happen that caused me to go into fear and upset, for a few hours. It was fascinating to observe myself! I realized the best I could do for the situation is to feel my emotions, process them and then let them go!

I wanted to be in peace, and no longer be upset.

Letting go and trusting, and positive self-talk about the situation helped me.

Which do you choose, peace or upset? Recognize that which you have control over and which you don’t have control over. Worrying, being upset and angry or frustrated doesn’t make it better. It makes it worse.

So next time, acknowledge your upset, process through that upset in whatever way you find works, then … then! get back into peace and calm. Maybe easier said than done; it depends on the challenge. However, know it CAN be done! You’re always at choice!

Love and blessings to EACH of you! May you have peace!

Kate Heartsong

Saving Time? Is That Even Possible? LOL

Do you find yourself rushing to get ready for the day? Running out of the house to meet someone and stressed because your hurrying yourself? Ah!  I know the feeling,  but fortunately I don’t do this as often as I used to

This morning though, before writing this article, I was rushing to get ready for the day, so I can get to my desk sooner because I have so many tasks to do for my business. I had a great meditation, but then, hurried through my shower, took less time for my daily morning yoga and didn’t have breakfast, all to “save time”.

Save time?!  What does that really mean?  To me it means rushing!  Because – yikes!  We can’t “save” time.  It goes along as it does.  It is what it is.

What I did instead of saving time, is I became a bit stressed.  Thankfully I became aware of this and in this awareness, I slowed down, took a couple of deep breaths and consciously shifted gears.  Long ago, I’ve come to realize if I rush, I stress myself.  Who needs that?!  No one!

What do you do to help yourself be aware of yourself, say for example,  for getting ready for the day? During your busy day at work, you may want to remind yourself to check in periodically with yourself and ask:

            Am I rushing?

            How do I really feel now?  Focused on work? Stressed?

            What is my body telling me now?

Being aware of ourselves and then shifting our pace or using positive self-talk to reduce stress are easy ways to create a more mindful and happy life.

Comment here to let me know what tools or tips you use to reduce stress and stop rushing.  I always love hearing from you!

Love and blessings to EACH of you!  May you have a productive and relaxed day!

Kate Heartsong

2024 copyrite © Joyful Radiance LLC

Oneness, Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem

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Have you ever experienced walking into a room where the tension was so thick you thought you could “cut it with a knife”?  Or, how about when you’re suddenly thinking of a loved one, only to have that very same person call you shortly afterwards?  And how about the phenomena of birds turning exactly in unison while flying together?

What explains all this is the concept of life being interconnected, also known as Oneness. There are many scientific studies proving that, at our most elemental basis, we’re all energy, and this is what causes the oneness/interconnectedness of life.   Lynn McTaggart, internationally known author and researcher, stated: “At our most elemental (level)…… human beings and all living things are a coalescence of energy in a field of energy connected to every other thing in the world.”
I love this quote from John Pierrakos, a physician and psychiatrist:  “Energy and consciousness are in a continual state of interaction: energy is shaped and directed by consciousness which is itself driven by energy.”  What this means is how we feel about ourselves and how we show up influences those around us, because we’re all energy. 
So, what does all this have to do with self confidence and self-esteem?  Everything!  For when you raise your self-confidence and self-esteem, not only do you feel better but this positively effects those around you, and adds positive energy to humanity! 

What do you think is the impact on humanity when there are 500 million, or a billion people on the planet doing their own personal work, raising their self-confidence and self-esteem?  Imagine!  Yes!  There will be even more higher vibrations added to the collective consciousness, and this will result in a better world; a new earth!

Start with yourself. Do the inner work you are called to do.  In this, you feel better and you are making a positive contribution to humanity.  Why?  Because we are all interconnected!

Here’s to all of us and to the new earth we can help cultivate into existence!

Share a comment here. I love hearing from you!

Kate Heartsong 

copyright Joyful Radiance Catherine Sanks ©

Reiki Classes with Kate!

Thinking about being a Reiki Practitioner?

I’m honored to be the teacher of this alternative healing method, since 2004. You’ll receive individual attention due to classes being small, you’ll gain insight and be empowered to use Reiki and appreciate the gifts this healing modality offers.

Reiki Level 1 Class – December 29, 2023

Benefits you receive:

more Reiki energy coming through you,

-personal expansion and healing,

-ability to share Reiki with others and for yourself,

-clear out energy blocks

-and more

Reiki Master Class Level – January 27, 2024

Prerequisite for the third level (Master) class are level 1 and 2.

-discover what it is to be a master,

-learn new Reiki techniques,

-receive an attunement (sacred process of personal growth and increased Reiki energy coming through you),

-and more.

Contact Kate at [email protected] to learn more.

Click here for more class details on Kate’s website

Peace Within, Peace on Earth

Peace Within, Peace on Earth

What a crazy roller coaster ride we’re on!  With all the massive changes, energy shifts and disruption in many areas of the planet, and in our own lives, you may be feeling like me:  what’s all this about?   And how can I deal with all this?

The reason we’re experiencing so many changes and disruptions is due to our going through an  unprecedented evolutionary shift of mankind, and of Mother Earth.   Going into the Age of Aquarius. My newest book, Humanity’s Cry For Change explains in detail about this, and also offers key concepts we individually and collectively best take, in order to survive!

Here’s one key concept that you can take into your life now:  create peace within yourself.

I know!  This is much easier said than done!  However it is possible!    One way I use several times a day is to have gratitude.  There’s so many things to be grateful for, and this brings us into a higher emotional vibration.  Pause now and reflect on the blessings you have today in your life.  Now breath this into your entire body, heart and soul.  Immerse yourself in this positive feeling!  Do this several times a day.  It only takes 2 or 3 minutes, or be with it longer.

Of course, cultivating inner peace doesn’t mean to ignore upsets.  It’s important to feel, process and then release upsets, challenges and then go back to your tools and practices to get centered and feel peaceful once again.

As you create more peace in yourself you are also adding positive energy/vibrations to the collective consciousness.  Imagine with me:  what if 100 million or 900 million, or a billion people do their own inner work to create inner peace.  Wow!  That’s a lot of positive energy added to humanity’s consciousness!   So, you see, one person does make a positive difference towards creating peace on earth!  When enough of us are on board doing this, we do cultivate that which all of us are yearning for:  a more peaceful earth, which is what the Age of Aquarius – the new earth –  is all about!

This holiday season – and for always ! –  I wish for you the inner peace you crave, to be cultivated, and sustained as much as possible!

Peace within, peace on earth!

Kate Heartsong 

© Copyright 2020 Joyful Radiance LLC

Alignment With Mother Earth

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With all the chaos and increasing upheaval on the planet, I would like to share with you the following excerpt from my book Humanity’s Cry For Change, from the chapter called Alignment With Mother Earth.   This will help you better understand why we individually and collectively are experiencing the huge shifts and challenges today.  My desire is to offer you hope to know that there can be—and I believe there IS—light at the end of the tunnel. You may want to read the whole book to understand why.

“To increase individuals and also the collective consciousness’ vibrations, many outdated systems are breaking down, such as the financial system. They cannot stay in place in the midst of these higher vibrations. The new earth can best house living organisms that match what is now becoming increasingly common, that of higher vibrations such as love and harmony. The old paradigms of the Pisces age (aggression, competition, war and separateness consciousness) cannot live in the new environment because it does not fit. The two vibrational types (higher vibrations and lower vibrations) are not compatible with each other, and “bump up” against each other, because they are not of the same vibration. Mother Earth’s vibration is increasingly becoming of a higher frequency, and this vibratory change is such that it cannot comfortably house life that is not in harmony with her anymore (that is, is not in a similar frequency level as hers). Mother Earth is becoming less tolerant of her mistreatment. She is expelling out— throwing up—the parts that cannot be “digested”, causing increased occurrences of hurricanes, extreme bad weather, massive fires, earthquakes, and other disruptive weather patterns.
Be encouraged, however, to know there are effective actions you can take to make positive change. Some actions you can take are in section three of this book.”

There is much we each can gain when we do our own personal work, healing, growth. When we do, we also contribute to the collective consciousness’ positive vibrations!

Remember that you DO make a positive difference!


Kate HeartsongFeel free to comment here. I love hearing from you!

©Joyful Radiance 2023 copyright

Prayer for the New Earth

I’m honored to be the messenger of the profound and insightful messages that help you to better navigate the upheavals and challenging times we have, and explains why we’re going through this individually and collectively.  It’s from my latest book Humanity’s Cry for Change. This book came about through my channeling its wisdom for our current shift.

I wanted to share with you this poem, which comes from this loving book.

Prayer for the New Earth
by Kate Heartsong

May we come to know
The vibrancy and delight
Of our authentic selves
Fulfilling our true destiny

May the light of our love
Shine in our eyes
Looking upon all creation
Knowing we are all one united

May we know in our hearts
True inner peace and joy
Radiating this out as kindness and laughter
To all our brothers and sisters

May we honor and respect
Our dear Mother Earth
For the abundance she shares so freely
Sustaining our bodies, hearts, and souls

May we come to know
In our lifetime, the experience of
The love, peace, and joy of the new earth
That is the birthright of humanity
— Kate Heartsong

Remember the greatness of who you are!

Kate Heartsong

Copyright © Catherine Sanks aka Kate Heartsong Joyful Radiance  ©

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