High Self-Confidence Feels Great! part 2 of 2

High Self-Confidence Feels Great! Part 2 of 2
In last month’s article, I shared about how having self-confidence impacts us, the benefits of healthy self-confidence and also some symptoms of low self-confidence.
In this article, you’re invited to discover a process that I call “The Feeling Process”. This is one (of many) ways to you build your self-confidence:
1) Become aware of what belief or behavior you want to change.
Example: Have less self-criticism
2) Create a replacement belief or behavior and then create a visual representation and/or an affirmation
Example: The replacement behavior is: Use more positive self-talk.
Visualize a big beautiful red heart that represents positively talking to yourself instead of criticizing yourself.
3) Now imagine this visual representation and/or say the affirmation, and at the same time, feel the emotion of how it feels to have this new belief or behavior. Just use your imagination and make believe. Have fun with this! It’s best to do this for a few minutes or more.
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Example: Visualize the big beautiful red heart coming lovingly towards you. With intention, feel the emotion of love and appreciation absorbing you. This emotion can be invoked by thinking of a loved one or remembering a positive experience.
Say positive statements such as “I appreciate you!”
You’ll benefit by doing this daily several times a day. The more you do this, the better. It has a cumulative effect too! So, if this process resonates with you, use it. You’ll love the benefits you receive!
There are other processes and tools that you can use to build your confidence; you’ll find many articles on the internet and also books and workshops.
Here’s to your confidence, joy, empowerment and fun!
As always, many blessings sent to each of you and lots of success in all ways!
Kate Heartsong
Copyright © Catherine Sanks aka Kate Heartsong Joyful Radiance ©