Cleansing and Freshness of Spring!

Springtime is Here!
Ah! I bet you feel like me, grateful for the warmer weather, sweet daffodils and tulips starting to come up, grass growing once again! Springtime is now my favorite season. Movement and change with springtime, after the cold and often inner-reflection time of winter.
You are invited to answer these questions regarding this new springtime season, around the theme of spring cleaning of your mind, body and/or soul :
What old habits or patterns do you have that no longer serve you and you’re ready to “sweep away”?
How can you support yourself in releasing / sweeping away those old habits or patterns?
What insights did you gain from the winter season?
What changes, if any, are you wanting to make for this spring season? Perhaps a detox to cleanse your body, a spiritual retreat to rejuvenate your soul, or a commitment to more yard work and exercise.
What resources do you have to support the changes you want to make?
What obstacles, if any, are there that would slow you down or stop you from making changes?
What benefits will you gain when you make those changes?
Looking forward to hearing your answers! Comment here.
Blessing and joy to you always, and in ALL ways!
Kate Heartsong
Copyright © Catherine Sanks aka Kate Heartsong Joyful Radiance ©