Love and Second Families

What an honor it is for me to share an enormously special and loving relationship I had with a dear soul, who I shall refer here as Sara!
I’ve known Sara since we were both 5 years old (same age), having met her in kindergarten. We lived only a few blocks from each other and also went to the same temple together (we were of the Jewish faith).
Naturally, I also knew her whole family and they were indeed my second family in heart. Later in our adulthood, I knew her wonderful loving husband and her impressive and amazing son. Sara and her husband, my then husband and I, spent many fun times together. Sara’s son knows my two children as well. A wonderful second family we all are!
Sara was my best friend for many years as I grew up, and into my early adulthood. We shared many values, beliefs, common interests with each other; we always understood each other well. She was a deeply loving, caring, smart and insightful friend who I always could count on.
In the last few years, Sara has dealt with a variety of health issues, and in recent months, she was in hospice. In April this year, dear Sara transitioned to the other side. A blessing in many ways, given the challenging health issues, and also a real sadness since she is no longer on the earth plane. She is in the loving embrace of God / Source / The Creator.
To “sit shiva”, which is a Jewish tradition, means community comes together for the purpose of supporting those who are in mourning of the loss of their loved one. We did this for three evenings in a row, with many in attendance with the family. What a loving community!
I experienced something with the three shiva evenings that I atteneded, which I’ve never experienced before: a deep feeling of love and peace within me. There was so much love from everyone at shiva, and from Sara’s immediate family. Such a strong sense/experience/feeling of love and peace I felt. To me this represents the love that Sara was / is, and the love everyone shared during shiva. What a gift I received!
I know Sara is on the other side of the veil, supporting all of us in the grieving process of her passing, reminding me that life is eternal and therefore she (and all of us) are eternal. We have a physical existence on this earth plane, and then our true divine existence on the nonphysical plane, which is love.
I wish for each of you the remembrance that love is truly all around us. Thank you, Sara, for the many gifts you’ve shared with me and so many others. Love is indeed all around.