We Are All One!


We Are All One!

Many have an understanding there is separation among individuals. In some ways this is true. Each one of us has a unique set of traits, gifts, and personality that does distinguish us from others, and this uniqueness is necessary to the whole of life. It is like we are all an individual piece of a whole puzzle, contributing the necessary piece to make the puzzle whole and complete.

Yet, in truth, all of life is interconnected. How? Because at the most elemental level of all life, everything is energy. It is an all-pervasive field of interpenetrating energy that is also called the web, ether, matrix or the field of potentiality. This universal energy is the most basic source of all matter, animate and inanimate. It cannot be cut up because it is actually an energy field. What you observe, with your 3D senses, are pockets of concentrated, denser energy. These are comprised of a certain combination of atoms, which are, of course, also part of the energy field. Atoms emulate and show up as a particular item, such as a table, a mouse, a human, cement, a tree, a mountain, or the moon and stars. – Excerpt from Humanity’s Cry for Change – Actions You Can Take to Create a New Earth, by Kate Heartsong

Indeed, we are all one!  Quantum physics, founded by Max Planck in 1900 and expanded upon by physicists such as Albert Einstein, demonstrates that everything is energy. There are also many recent scientific studies proving there is this all-pervasive field of interconnection between all of life.

In what ways does it benefit us to know we’re interconnected?

  • We come to understand that what we do to ourselves, we also do to others, and vice versa: what we do to others, we do to ourselves.
  • We become more aware of our thoughts, words and actions and strive for more positivity, because we know this impacts others and the collective consciousness of humanity.
  • We recognize that what we see in another person, is a reflection of what is inside of us.
  • It helps us remember our thoughts are powerful and they impact people as well as ourselves
  • We become more empowered because we know we can effect positive change in ourselves and humanity.

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Imagine when corporations start treating their employees better, instead of thinking of profits as the only goal, because corporations know we’re all interconnected. We would have happier and more respected employees; this is a win-win for all.

Imagine many more people working on healing themselves, resulting in feeling better and having higher self-esteem. They would make a positive change towards the collective consciousness.

Remember, what you do to others, you also do to yourself.

It’s time we start creating the new earth, where we know and live by this concept of oneness!

It starts with you!


Yes, You CAN Make a Positive Difference!

photo credit: Mathisa


Yes, You Can Make a Difference!

There’s so much upheaval and many challenges, both on the planet and in our own lives these days! What are we to do? Is it even possible to make a difference?

The answer is yes! It is possible to make a difference!

How? Through our being interconnected with each other and all of life. Decades ago, quantum physics proved the interconnectivity of life by demonstrating that everything is energy. The universe is an all pervasive and interpenetrating field of energy.

Because everything is energy and we are interconnected, whatever actions we take, how we talk and think, and the way we show up, contributes to our individual lives and also to humanity’s collective consciousness.

This is significant and empowering to know! You are making a positive difference when you offer kindness, respect, or a smile to someone; when you do volunteer work, support your friend, play with your pet, tend to your garden and trees; have positive thoughts, keep your heart open, and stay as often as possible in the higher vibrational emotions of love, gratitude, kindness, respect, harmony.

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It’s not always easy to keep ourselves in a positive state of being; certainly, all of us have our ups and downs in life. However, know that with your good intentions of making a positive difference, and with the tools you have to handle challenges and to uplift yourself when needed, that most of time you are positively influencing those around you and also all of humanity!

When you find yourself down, take time to nurture and care for yourself; pull out those self-supporting tools, call upon a trusted friend. As you do, you uplift yourself once again, and are better able to make the helpful contribution you desire.

We’re in the very midst of creating a new earth because of the millions and millions of good people like you on this planet. Sure, it will take time to see the positive changes happen and it can feel overwhelming at times. Yet there is an ever present innate goodness in all people. The time of healing for individuals and on our planet has already begun.

As you find yourself wondering if you’re making a positive difference, remember that you are! You are a part of the universe, contributing your important piece of the puzzle belonging to humanity. The world is indeed a better place because of you!

Here’s to you and your magnificence!

Kate Heartsong

Robins and Magical Flying!

photo credit: dawilken – free images.com

My friend Linda shared this amazing experience she and her daughter Jasmine had! (They gave me permission to share this.) This experience demonstrates how each of us are so well provided for by The Creator, and also reminds me of the importance of being aware of messages given to us by The Creator, in the many forms it’s given to us.

Jasmine has been dealing with sugar addition and candida for many years, and although she had been wanting to stop eating sugar and other foods that contribute to candida, she found it quite difficult to take the action towards healing this. She prayed to get unstuck and it turns out the time she spent with her mom at a mountain park, called, Flying Jay Ranch, offered this!

Jasmine and her mom Linda went to Flying Jay Ranch, and Jasmine had made the comment that she’s ready for a new life.  She also noticed the name of this place is “Flying Jay”  (“J…. as in Jasmine!).

In receiving support from her mom, Jasmine began to feel unstuck, started gaining hope and feeling quite capable of making the leap of positive change around her eating habits, including eliminating all sugar and other foods adding to candida overgrowth.

Jasmine shared an intention when arriving at this park: “I am capable of making change in my life”.  And they both found a pavilion to eat lunch, and there, Jasmine and Linda discovered a robin’s nest of three baby birds! They got to witness the mother bird flying back and forth feeding her young.  They were careful to not disturb the birds, and it seems the birds were accepting of Jasmine and Linda being there.

As Jasmine and Linda were enjoying their heart to heart talk and lunch at the pavilion, something extraordinary occurred that they got to witness!  One of the three baby birds got out of the nest and sat next to it for about one minute. Then, this baby bird took a jump, all on it’s own prompting, and landed on the ground, many feet below, got up, and sat there, and in a few minutes even started cleaning its own wings!

Jasmine and Linda felt blessed to witness this, and Jasmine realized the bird making this “leap of faith” being analogous to her own life – that she, too, can take the leap and start the candida diet cleanse!

Not only did they get to witness this first bird jumping, but about 30 minutes later, the second of the three birds did the same thing!  And the mother bird came back with food, feeding both of these baby birds, along with the third one in the nest.
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Jasmine set a date to do start her candida cleanse, and promised to research what’s needed to do this.

What a synchronicity and the timing to witness the birds jumping from their nest, and Jasmine’s realizing she, too, can jump into her new life, which, only two hours prior, she was feeling stuck.  Both the birds and Jasmine were flying at Flying Jay Ranch!

On the way home, Linda asked her daughter to look up what the animal totem “robin” means. Jasmine looked up this:  Bringing in new life! This is just what Jasmine said when they first arrived at the mountain park! What another meaningful message and sychronicity Jasmine received.

My wish for you is that you remember you’re always provided for by The Creator, and to remember to be aware of messages and synchronicities that are given to you, to help you along the way of life and give you hope!

As always, I’d love to hear from you!




photo credit: Kate Heartsong


Wow! I’ve never seen my mulberry tree have so many mulberries! In past years – all years added up –  there was only maybe one twentieth of what this year has alone!  We’ve had more rain than usual, which is my guess for this amazing Abundance! Yet, a friend of mine shared all her flower bushes this year is also immensely abundance, so much more than the last 10 years.  Um….reminds me of cycles…..

and abundance!

My being aware of this tree’s abundance reminds me of how generous Mother Earth is!  It’s the very nature of Mother Earth, as well as us, to have abundance. Think about the many seeds of a butternut squash, the seeds of the sunflower, the number of baby rabbits or kittens born in a litter and the huge amount of weeds that grow wild!

When I stop to think about it, there is so much abundance in our lives as well. Have you ever thought of how abundant you are with the ever-present electricity and running water? Hopefully you are abundant and rich in great physical, emotional and mental health, or at least for most of the time.

And reflect on the richness you experience with the friends and family you have, being able to go out for entertainment, having enough food to eat, having a job.

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Perhaps currently in your life you’re unemployed or in poor health. Perhaps things are difficult for you in other areas of your life also.  However, when you stop and reflect, these challenges are only temporary. Hasn’t it always been true throughout your life that you come around to better experiences, after going through a spell of difficulties?

And even in difficult times, there is likely abundance in other areas of your life.  It’s so easy to take for granted simple things that really are blessings, such as the air we breath, friends we always can rely on, and……..pause here and reflect what you DO have in abundance in your life!

I invite you to periodically in life to stop and reflect on all the positive things you DO have in your life, and to realize these positive things offer you abundance!

As always, I would love to hear from you if you have a question, or comments.

In the meantime, many blessings of abundance in ALL areas of your life!


Prayer for the New Earth

photo credit: solerf 123rf


Imagine with me what would be the results of millions or hey, say 1 billion people on the planet, working on and have healed many of their personal wounds and upsets, and continually take self-responsibility, resulting in continual personal growth and expansion?

What can happen is these people are happier, and also kinder and more respectful towards themselves and live more authentically.  This naturally results in their treating others with more kindness and respect and others living more authentically!

It doesn’t happen overnight, but it CAN happen!

It starts with YOU!  Each one of us!

So, here is a prayer I wrote; my desire is that it offers you hope and inspires you to do what you can to heal your personal issues, pain, upsets or whatever it is.  There are SO many resources available to help you!

Prayer for the New Earth

May we come to know
The vibrancy and delight
Of our authentic selves
Fulfilling our true destiny

May the light of our love
Shine in our eyes
Looking upon all creation
Knowing we are all one united

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May we know in our hearts
True inner peace and joy
Radiating this out as kindness and laughter
To all our brothers and sisters

May we honor and respect
Our dear Mother Earth
For the abundance she shares so freely
Sustaining our bodies, hearts and souls

May we come to know
In our lifetime the experience of
The love, peace and joy of the new earth
That is the birthright of humanity
— Kate Heartsong

It would be great to hear from you!  Share here what your answers are to the above questions.

Love and blessings, joy and peace,

Kate Heartsong

Copyright © Catherine Sanks aka Kate Heartsong Joyful Radiance  ©

Time for Expansion and Growth, with Joy!

Photo credit:  gnohz 123RF

Spring time!

Ah yes, sprint time is here!  You probably can you feel the new energies arising and you likely recognize that this time of year brings you the opportunity for renewal, growth and expansion. And why not do this in joy?

Just as the soil for a garden needs preparation before planting seeds, here are some questions you’re invited to contemplate as a way to prepare the soil of your mind, soul and body as you enter into this time of creating anew for your life:

What aspirations / dreams are stirring inside of you that are ready to be tended to, nurtured and cared for? (Did you know that when you express yourself in authenticity – and one way to live authentically  is by honoring and living your aspirations and dreams – you tend to live more joyfully!)

What action steps are necessary to reach your goal of obtaining your aspirations and dreams?

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In what ways are you willing to shed any old beliefs and create new ones that will serve you more positively in creating your aspiration / dream?

In what way will you compassionately support your new expansion for this time of growth?

For example, one of my aspirations is to be even more in the present moment, more often.  I plan to be even more aware of living in the present moment by taking the action step of stopping several times a day for 2 or 3 minutes and pause and be ever so aware of my present moment, my emotions, feelings and also how my body feels.  This will remind me to get back to the now moment.  I will be compassionate with myself in supporting this new habit by not beating myself up if I don’t do it as often as I’d like, and to strive to do better going forward by doing it more consistently.

It would be great to hear from you!  Share here what your answers are to the above questions.

Love and blessings, joy and peace,

Kate Heartsong

Loving Yourself- Is This OK?


Many years ago …in my twenties, I remember receiving excellent support from a remarkable healer and coach. In one of our sessions she told me that “not only is it OK to love ourselves, but it’s also necessary!” These wise words have stuck with me ever since and I share them here with you, as well as with my clients and workshop audiences.

Back then as a child and young adult, I had no self-esteem and no confidence in myself. I had been struggling to feel better, gain inner peace and to realize I am worthy that I am lovable.

Due to the traumatic dynamics of my childhood and with the very different family circumstances I had (like so many of us experienced – dysfunctional families), and along with my hearing loss (I fell out of a window when I was 2 years old – being a curious toddler ! – as lost most of my hearing), I had great shame and loneliness.

Thankfully I had the motivation to make positive change and went to this wonderful counselor/healer who shared those great words of wisdom.:

“Not only is it OK to love ourselves, but it’s also necessary! “

Thanks in part to my healing work with her, along with many personal development workshops and reading self-help books I engaged in, I was able to transcend this difficult time of my life, to be the empowered and self-confident person that I am today!

Was it easy? No. Would I do this again? Yes! Why? Because the childhood trauma and difficulties provided the incubation grounds for me to develop the great compassion, a better understanding of self-confidence, deeper life wisdom, and a better ability to support and relate to my clients, audiences, friends and family……and to myself!

It’s necessary to love ourselves – and it’s NOT egotistical, so long as we know we’re not better than others, because there is every reason to! Plus, we feel better and we can more effectively offer our gifts and skills to others, which helps us live more authentically!

Imagine a world where most people live this way! We would have a more loving, respectful, kind place to live! (By the way, my newest book Humanity’ Cry for Change talks about this, and other important life-changing topics.  Scroll down a bit to get a paperback or Kindle on Amazon.)
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So start today to love yourself and know that it IS ok to do this! (see below 2 tips to start!)


Happy Valentine’s Day to EACH of you awesome, amazing, magnificent beings!

I’m honored to have you here as part of my community!

Here are two tips to start cultivating self-love:

1. Each day, write down 3 things that you acknowledge about yourself. These can be simple, small things or big things, like acknowledge yourself for supporting yourself, taking care of your family, being a good friend, having great self-care……

2. Write out a list of all your skills and gifts, and contemplate the fact that only you have this unique combination of these skill and gifts, and you’re good at these! This is what makes. Your special and others benefit from you sharing these! Now, take a deep breath and genuinely offer yourself gratitude for who you are!

Love and light to each of you!

Kate Heartsong

Copyright © Catherine Sanks aka Kate Heartsong Joyful Radiance  ©

Juggling too much?

photo credit.  denchik


I was recently told by a wise Chi Gong master that I’m juggling too much and it helped me realize I’ve been quite stressed and yes, doing too much at once. I admit, I’ve been dealing with a lot (losing my coaching job because the nonprofit closed its doors, my new book and it’s launch, a family member’s surgery, an unexpected situation with a friend, job hunting, building my business)……..but hasn’t everyone been dealing with a lot!?  With so many changes happening on the planet and within our own lives, it’s no wonder so many of us are so stressed and juggling so many things.


Time to stop! Take a breath and reflect.

I know how important it is to laser focus on that which you want to have success with.

And, I want to also share with you what I tell my clients and audiences: the acronym of what I call the C.I.A. no…..not the government agency!  But this stands for Commitment, Intention and Awareness.

Commitment  – Dedicate yourself to what you want to focus on, by being consistent and doing whatever it takes to get it done.
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Intention –  knowing you CAN do this. Having intention is a powerful way to tell the universe you’re serious about doing it!
Awareness – always key in anything we do. When you’re aware, you’re better able to take appropriate action to reach our goals.

So I encourage you to stop and ask yourself if you feel you’re juggling too much, and if so, assess what is most important to you and re-prioritize; then laser focus on just one or (at most) two things.  You’ll find yourself more successful!

Love and light to each of you!

Kate Heartsong

Copyright © Catherine Sanks aka Kate Heartsong Joyful Radiance  ©


Awareness is Key

Photo credit Gnohz, 123RF

How much awareness do you have about yourself? Are you cognizant of your moods, your opinions towards others, how your body feels, in what ways you react to your loved ones?


Earlier today, I was aware of how tired I was, even though I got a good night’s sleep. I was able to honor my body and take a nap early afternoon, and now I’m more clear-headed and better able to work.


Today’s experience of being aware of my body’s tiredness reminded me of the importance of being aware in all aspects of my life. My clients and audiences have heard me say many times how awareness is key in life, because without it, how can we move forward with more mindfulness and efficiency? How can we know what to do to get there from here?


Digging into more self-awareness allows for you to experience more personal growth. For example, maybe you reacted to someone in a way you wished you hadn’t. Being cognizant of how you reacted, and then taking responsibility for it, allows for you to examine how you may do things differently in the future. Or, perhaps you’re aware you’re emotionally eating. When having this awareness, you’re better able to assess what’s causing you to eat this way, and take positive steps to make change.

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You’re encouraged to take responsibility for the all of who you are!

This includes being aware of everything in your life, with compassion and nonjudgment. Being willing to have self-awareness of where you are now, compared to where you want to be, takes courage and takes responsibly, and you’ll benefit from this.


Here’s two tips to help you become more self-aware:

  1. Pause during the day a couple of times and just become aware of how you feel emotionally, how your shoulders feel (are they sore because of stress? Are they up towards your ears or down in a more relaxed position?) and what your stress level is. If you find yourself stressed, take a few deep breaths, being mindful in this breathing; it will help you calm down.
  2. Make it a habit during each day to observe yourself; being a witness to yourself. Be aware of how you perceive your life, your job, your thoughts about the world, your co-workers, your friends. If you discover you would like things to be different, think with love and compassion, how you may go about making positive change.

I would love to hear your comments on this article. Feel free to leave a note here!

As always, here’s to you, your empowerment and joy!

Kate Heartsong

Positive Learnings from Covid-19


Positive Learnings from Covid-19

Hang in there!

Ah! Here we are still in the midst of covid-19 and I’m hopeful this will be behind us soon. It’s my wish that each of you are physically and emotionally healthy and receiving opportunities for growth from this experience!  I myself am doing great, realizing I’m even more grateful for the simple things in life, and have also received the gift of deep insights and introspection.  I, like you probably also, have my times of different emotions coming up, and honor them then let them go.

It’s a time of learning and growing!

My soon to be published book about why humanity is going through the upheavals and what we can do to make this time of personal and planetary change easier to navigate, will be coming out this June! (I will share the name of the book and book launch information with you next month.)

Here’s an excerpt from this book, regarding covid-19:

……humans are far more inclined to make a shift when experiencing great pain, tragedy or heartache. It is no coincidence that the world is experiencing the coronavirus pandemic. This is yet another wakeup call to humanity to take positive and effective action now! To create an improved way of life, we must all do our own personal healing; businesses and other organizations must start working in a sustainable, wholistic and cooperative manner, and all of us must also unite together to create positive global transformation. Why? So that we survive, not just a pandemic, but survive as a species for generations to come. Our very existence is at stake if we do not heed the call to take positive action now.

Our species proves to be resilient. Many lessons and gifts are being received from this crisis. Here are just a few of the many:

  • Creative ways to connect with others, such as singing to neighbors from balconies.
  • Increased awareness of and gratitude for the blessings in life.
  • Personal time for stillness and contemplation.
  • Inner reflection of what really matters.
  • Old wounds arising for us to release and heal.
  • Mother Earth getting some rest by our slowing down from the daily busyness and frenetic energy we put forth.
  • Businesses working with their customers on deferring payments.

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Could it be that the coronavirus global crisis is the very impetus needed to wake us up? Is it possible that humanity’s collective consciousness is crying for change so we can have harmony and respect, collaboration and understanding for all?

Are you now a better person and do you now offer more compassion, kindness and respect as a result of the pandemic? Do you now feel more unity and interconnectedness with your family, your friends, your neighbors, your community—with all of humanity?                                                Copyright Kate Heartsong Joyful Radiance ©

As a way to give back to you and to our community, I am offering my life coaching sessions for only $33 each, through August 1, 2020! Wow, this is a substantial reduced rate from the regular $90 per session.  Take advantage of supporting yourself by contacting me at K[email protected] or call 303.549.0546.

Here is a link to my website to learn of the benefits of coaching and testimonials: click here

Want to gain confidence during this crisis? Feel the need to create action steps so you can accomplish your goals? Then this coaching is for you!






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