Time for Expansion and Growth, with Joy!

Photo credit: gnohz 123RF
Spring time!
Ah yes, sprint time is here! You probably can you feel the new energies arising and you likely recognize that this time of year brings you the opportunity for renewal, growth and expansion. And why not do this in joy?
Just as the soil for a garden needs preparation before planting seeds, here are some questions you’re invited to contemplate as a way to prepare the soil of your mind, soul and body as you enter into this time of creating anew for your life:
What aspirations / dreams are stirring inside of you that are ready to be tended to, nurtured and cared for? (Did you know that when you express yourself in authenticity – and one way to live authentically is by honoring and living your aspirations and dreams – you tend to live more joyfully!)
What action steps are necessary to reach your goal of obtaining your aspirations and dreams?
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In what ways are you willing to shed any old beliefs and create new ones that will serve you more positively in creating your aspiration / dream?
In what way will you compassionately support your new expansion for this time of growth?
For example, one of my aspirations is to be even more in the present moment, more often. I plan to be even more aware of living in the present moment by taking the action step of stopping several times a day for 2 or 3 minutes and pause and be ever so aware of my present moment, my emotions, feelings and also how my body feels. This will remind me to get back to the now moment. I will be compassionate with myself in supporting this new habit by not beating myself up if I don’t do it as often as I’d like, and to strive to do better going forward by doing it more consistently.
It would be great to hear from you! Share here what your answers are to the above questions.
Love and blessings, joy and peace,
Kate Heartsong
I aspire to go to bed earlier than 9:30 and to sleep through the night.
Excellent Karen! And sleeping through the night is so wonderful 🙂
Happy Spring expansion Kate, as you celebrate the NOW moments in your life!
Happy Spring expansion to you as well Judith! Now moments are the best way to live!