Spring Time and Confidence-Building Tools

Ahh!   Spring time is here!  You’re probably as excited as I am about this!  It’s a time of rebirth, creativity and planting seeds for our lives.  It can be a time of being inspired for new ideas and planting seeds for new growth in our lives.  One of those seeds can be discovering a new tool or strategy for gaining confidence to make the change in your life you’ve been putting off, or feel stuck about.

So, here’s a tool for you:  Write down three action steps you can start taking to go towards that change you desire to make. You see, there’s something quite powerful in the act of writing.  It allows you to see the words you’ve written, and it helps to clear your mind.  And, by writing down action steps, you assist yourself in setting an intention.

Another useful tool to use is to tap into your intuition.

Inner guidance, our intuition, always steers you in the right direction and what better way then to encourage yourself into taking action towards that big project or career change?  When you take action and see that it works out, you build efficacy.  You gain confidence that yes, you CAN achieve what you take action on.

When you listen and follow your inner guidance, you’re better equipped to be in alignment with who you’re meant to be.  You see, each one of us is here for a specific purpose, and the more we can live out this purpose, the happier we become, and the better we fill in the piece of the puzzle we’re meant to fill in.  Each one of us is a vital piece of the whole puzzle, that is, the whole world.   The better we can step up to the plate and live our life as it’s meant to be, the more we happy we are and the more we contribute to the whole.

Here are two tips to listening to inner guidance

  • go by how you’re feeling about something.  If you feel excited about an idea, a project, an event or inspiration, this likely that you’re meant to do it.   If it’s something that feels like a burden, or you feel bored, honor that feeling and don’t do it.

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  • When you’re out and about, be aware of how you feel in relation to the environment or situation you’re in. Be aware of any messages or inspiration you may receive.  This is your inner guidance, also known as intuition, is talking to you.