Receiving Messages and 2019

Receiving Messages and the New Year 2019
I had an eye-opening experience last month with my Honda SUV. For fourteen years, this awesome car has always taken me where I want to go! With 191,000 miles on it, it started leaking oil; my car mechanic said it needs a new engine. Whew! Time to buy a new car.
I considered getting a used Honda, but, to stay in my budget, I’d need to get one with some 50,000 miles. I’d prefer a car with less miles and didn’t quite know what to do.
I started noticing a few timeswithin a two-day time span, the Chevy emblem and Chevy cars. It dawned on me that I’m receiving a message through synchronicity. I asked God to give me a clear sign indicating if I ought to consider a Chevy. Sure enough, in the yoga class I went to that day, our yoga instructor shared, as part of his inspirational words, “Why not consider alternatives? Think of other options available to you!”
Wow, that’s a clear message! I thanked God for answering my prayer for guidance!
I remembered there’s a car dealership five minutes from where I live but didn’t remember what car manufacturer they are. I drove buy it, and it turns out to be Chevy dealership!. In speaking with them, they told me about the Chevy Trax SUV. It turns out I bought a 2018 Chevy Trax with only 11,000 miles that was within my price range.
I’m grateful to be aware of synchronicities in my life and to receive guidance. By being more aware – living a more conscious and mindful life – we’re better able to live more authentically, be more true to ourselves, follow our inner guidance and live with more joy and peace.
Would you like to cultivate this type of living for yourself in this new year ahead? What will 2019 bring to you when you increase your awareness to life’s messages, and follow its guidance?
Messages and guidance come to us in many ways: through music lyrics; a friend’s words they happen to share; seeing emblems, logos or numbers; seeing a sequence of numbers frequently; getting a feeling or nudge from inside; “hearing” words of wisdom pop into your head; reading a billboard; and so on.
My invitation to you for this new year ahead is to be open to receiving – and listening – to your guidance and messages. Take note of what comes your way. Intentionally create a new year that brings more joy and peace, love and abundance, by being open to this guidance! This is my wish for you this new year, and for always!. See below for two tips on this.
Happy New Year! Many blessings to you always……and in all ways!
Kate Heartsong
Empowering Tips and Tools – How to be open to receiving your guidance and messages:
- Be aware of what’s going on! This sounds obvious, but really, most people are so busy they don’t pay attention. So, increase your awareness, and be with an open and relaxed mind about it.
- The natural tendency of life/universe/God is to give answers to questions. So, ask questions and in a relaxed manner, be on the lookout for answers. Trust and be open to receive.
- Live in the present moment and also being more mindful will help you be more aware.
In some of my darkest times I would suddenly get your email. It brought me peace of mind and helped me look towards better times. I will always appreciate your wisdom and guidance. Have a Happy and Peaceful New Year.
Thanks Francie for sharing your experience of reading these newsletters. It’s a joy for me to know it helps you! Many blessings and joy to you always….and in all ways! Kate
Thanks, Kate. After a lifetime of work, I left my most recent job in Feb. 2018 and am still in the process of making the transition to a different life path. I’m teaching Tarot classes once a month and now incorporating varied healing techniques as part of those classes. We meet next in two weeks and I will share today’s message about being aware. It is always appropriate. Have an excellent year of good health, joyous experiences, and smooth driving in your new vehicle!
P.S. Do you have any info. about Bea? I heard that the family moved north. I will always be concerned for the children.
‘Til next time. Phyllis
Thanks Phyllis! Blessings to you !