Positive Learnings from Covid-19

Positive Learnings from Covid-19
Hang in there!
Ah! Here we are still in the midst of covid-19 and I’m hopeful this will be behind us soon. It’s my wish that each of you are physically and emotionally healthy and receiving opportunities for growth from this experience! I myself am doing great, realizing I’m even more grateful for the simple things in life, and have also received the gift of deep insights and introspection. I, like you probably also, have my times of different emotions coming up, and honor them then let them go.
It’s a time of learning and growing!
My soon to be published book about why humanity is going through the upheavals and what we can do to make this time of personal and planetary change easier to navigate, will be coming out this June! (I will share the name of the book and book launch information with you next month.)
Here’s an excerpt from this book, regarding covid-19:
……humans are far more inclined to make a shift when experiencing great pain, tragedy or heartache. It is no coincidence that the world is experiencing the coronavirus pandemic. This is yet another wakeup call to humanity to take positive and effective action now! To create an improved way of life, we must all do our own personal healing; businesses and other organizations must start working in a sustainable, wholistic and cooperative manner, and all of us must also unite together to create positive global transformation. Why? So that we survive, not just a pandemic, but survive as a species for generations to come. Our very existence is at stake if we do not heed the call to take positive action now.
Our species proves to be resilient. Many lessons and gifts are being received from this crisis. Here are just a few of the many:
- Creative ways to connect with others, such as singing to neighbors from balconies.
- Increased awareness of and gratitude for the blessings in life.
- Personal time for stillness and contemplation.
- Inner reflection of what really matters.
- Old wounds arising for us to release and heal.
- Mother Earth getting some rest by our slowing down from the daily busyness and frenetic energy we put forth.
- Businesses working with their customers on deferring payments.
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Could it be that the coronavirus global crisis is the very impetus needed to wake us up? Is it possible that humanity’s collective consciousness is crying for change so we can have harmony and respect, collaboration and understanding for all?
Are you now a better person and do you now offer more compassion, kindness and respect as a result of the pandemic? Do you now feel more unity and interconnectedness with your family, your friends, your neighbors, your community—with all of humanity? Copyright Kate Heartsong Joyful Radiance ©
As a way to give back to you and to our community, I am offering my life coaching sessions for only $33 each, through August 1, 2020! Wow, this is a substantial reduced rate from the regular $90 per session. Take advantage of supporting yourself by contacting me at K[email protected] or call 303.549.0546.
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