An Attitude of Gratitude
Photo Credit: zven0
Is it really true that it’s almost Thanksgiving?! I feel I’m still in September. Whew!…..Time continues to go fast.
This reminds me of how I like to remember to live in the present moment; time goes fast; it is what is is, and out of my control, so why not live in the now moment? Through this, you may find yourself having more moments of gratitude because you’re focusing on the present moment.
For instance, what if you were grateful for being able to get out of bed, being mindful of the now moment of rising up for a NEW day? Or, while eating, being grateful for the taste of it, having money to buy the food, and how easily accessible it is?
Having an “attitude of gratitude” helps you be more positive too! You tend to see things as more being the glass half full instead of half empty.
With Thanksgiving around the corner, certainly this is the time of year we are more aware of gratitude. But why not take on the practice of having an attitude of gratitude all through the year, several times a day!? I’ve been doing this practice for several years, and now pretty much several times a day, finding so many things to be grateful fore. It helps me recognize the abundance I have in all areas of my life.
Write a comment below on what people, situations and things in your life that you are grateful for. It would be awesome to hear from you!
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Here’s to building your empowerment and confidence,
Kate Heartsong
EMPOWERING TIPS AND TOOLS – For building gratitude
- Live more often in the present moment, and stop to be aware of what – in this moment – you can be grateful for.
- As you prepare to go to bed, reflect on what went right this day, and appreciate it. FEEL it in your heart!
Copyright © Catherine Sanks aka Kate Heartsong Joyful Radiance ©
In this very moment I am grateful for being down In Castle Rock, that at age 90 and 93,both of my parents still are here in their home, and that we celebrated Thanksgiving together, along with both my grown kids : )