The Shift: Age of Aquarius and Oneness Part 3 of 3

Part 3

(To view related video, click on “continue reading”) It’s up to each person to get into alignment, move towards, live in tandem with, the “new order”, the “new way of life”; alignment and harmony, respect of Mother Earth (Gaia) and of all of life, so to optimize living together and with humanity’s host (Gaia).  The new order of the planet and of humanity requires (it cannot not happen) the harmony, the gestalt, the “in tandem-type” living. Life on the planet will not survive otherwise.  Humanity is intricately interconnected with (Oneness) Gaia and with all of the universe.

This is why now the old systems are breaking down; they can’t stay in place in the midst of the vibratory environment that’s ever changing, the change that’s due to the imminent shift. The new environment can only best house those living organisms that fit/match the vibration that is now the predominant one (which is a higher vibration now). The old can’t live in the new environment because it doesn’t fit. It rubs up against the higher vibration because it’s not the same vibration anymore. Gaia’s changes are such that it can’t comfortably house life that’s not in harmony with it anymore. It has come to a place of less and less tolerance of the mistreatment to Her. She is expelling out that which doesn’t jive, like throwing up the parts that can’t be digested. Gaia’s having a harder time dealing with those parts that are disrespecting her.
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Now is the time to make positive changes, to honor and respect all of life; to live in the state of Oneness, Unity, and to remember that what you put out comes back to you because we are all interconnected with each other, with Gaia and with all of the universe.