Tools to Calm Down in the Midst of Big Change

My hope is that each are you are healthy, physically and emotionally!
We are in the midst of very trying times on the planet with this corona virus. Here, you will read some techniques that will support you through this.
Before I do, I’m very excited to share with all of you that I my second book will be coming out about June 2020! This is why I have not sent out my monthly enewsletters for a while. My apologies for this; I hope you understand. (Remember you can always go to my website to read my previous blogs.)
My forthcoming book talks about what is happening on earth and with humanity today, and why humanity needs to change. It answers the question—and offers solutions—to why humanity is now experiencing increased discord, unrest and also violence. The reason is humanity is going through another evolutionary leap—a new earth—and we are here with this new 26,000 year cycle.
My book describes that in order for humanity to survive, we must shift from believing we are separate, to knowing we are all interconnected. I site several scientific studies demonstrating the interconnection of life.
The solution to save humanity is to act now, and one way is through using a variety of exercises and activities shared in my new book. These are designed to help individuals do their healing work, open their hearts, increase their vibration, understand we are all interconnected and more. Suggestions of what organizations and companies can do are also part of my book.
So if you are ready to receive hope on creating a new earth and to discover how you can contribute to making positive change for yourself, those around you and on our whole planet, you will want to read my new book. I will keep you posted through this enewsletter on the name of the book and its launch date.
Here are simple and effective techniques you can use to calm yourself during this corona virus storm:
Acknowledge your feelings, process through them and then release them! We all have fear from time to time. The important thing is to acknowledge them (don’t ignore them!), AND THEN process them and release them. Then focus on the positive. Remember, what we focus on becomes bigger.
Be in the present moment more than ever! Doing this helps you focus on what blessings you DO have now in your life. It helps you also to not worry as much about the future.
Count your blessings.Write down or think about 3 life conveniences you still have (electricy in your home still turns on, your car still works, you have supportive friends, and so on).
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Do something productive at your home.Catch up with old paperwork or finish that project you started last year. This helps you continue to feel you are contributing something and support keeping your mind in the present moment.
Here’s one of the many exercises I have in my soon to be published book:
Love Essence
You can practice a morning meditation, focusing on your heart space and having a remembrance of a “love” experience. Love experiences do not mean sexual, but rather, of a warmth and bliss of love, such as what you would feel with a loved one, like as mother or dear friend, or a pet. Have a sense of appreciation and love. Breath this into your whole being. Now, use your imagination that you are pleasantly saturated in this love essence. Set an intention to carry this feeling with you during the day.
Similar to this love experience meditation just described, you can bring forth your own love essence from within, then intentionally send this out. This not only raises your vibration, but assists those close to you, and as you know by now, contributes to the collective consciousness’ state of being. How do you tap into your love essence? One way is that you can imagine a beautiful nature scene, or remember the smell of something pleasing, or act as if you are with someone you love and trust. Closing your eyes, invoke one of these suggestions, and bring it into your heart. Feel it and be with it for a few minutes.
And by the way, happy spring to you! Know that new life IS emerging.
Love and light to each of you!
Kate Heartsong
Copyright © Catherine Sanks aka Kate Heartsong Joyful Radiance ©