Rising Consciousness


Happy New Year to you!  My wish for you is for a most joyful and rising consciousness into living more from the unity consciousness.  Through this, we will have a chance to create peace on earth.

I’m excited to share with you here, an excerpt from my forthcoming new book which talks about the rising consciousness and necessity of living from the understanding we are all interconnect with all life.  More details on this new book will be shared soon!

Shifts and Changes on Mother Earth and Humanity
The changes and shifts occurring on the planet are accelerating the light within each person.  Many are being awakened.  It’s through this ascension/light/rising process that allows for an easier transition of the light bodies of each person on the planet and in this, they’re better able to live with more respect for all living things and for the earth.

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As more people awaken, there is more love and caring for others and for all of life.  Appreciation increases, even in the midst of the throws of negativity. As this love and appreciation continues to happen more, the pivotal tips of the scale occurs. There’s no turning back.

There will be more peace on the planet due to the rising consciousness. What is this rising consciousness? It is the rising of vibration; the higher the vibration, the closer you get to the vibration of love.  It’s this arena of love that creates and facilitates living from the place of The Creator, for when living from love, there is no room for fear, hate, war, destruction; only love’s high vibration holds the reverence and the respect for of all life.  It’s this love space that all people can better see, feel, and know the real truth of life:  that all life is interconnected and is in unity with everything and everyone; that all life is to be respected and appreciated; and that all life is unfolding for the purpose of expression and expansion.

When living from fear and ego, there is more of a sense of being stuck in life, instead of flowing in alignment with life.  Due to the very nature of fear and ego, it cannot perceive life as being interconnected.  Fear and ego perpetuate a sense of separation.  It’s this sense of separation that creates difficulties, such as the deepened sense of individuality (instead of unity), the “it’s all about me” mentality or the concern only about the company’s bottom line rather than considering one’s actions on the whole and all parties involved.

Life cannot work this way harmoniously.  Therefore the ego and fear based living cannot exist any longer if humanity is to survive.  As Mother Earth ascends with higher vibration, there is an increase with the planet’s discord and an increase in violence all over.  This is due to the ever-increasing mismatch of ego/fear and the higher vibration of Mother Earth.  As Mother Earth’s vibration increases, due to the ascension process, her environment changes. As her environment changes, it becomes even more difficult for Mother Earth to house lower energy frequency/vibration.  It’s like a green house:  plants thrive when the green house is at the right temperature and moisture, but when the green house’s conditions change, the plants naturally should respond to those changes in order to survive optimally.

Copyright 2020 Catherine Sanks (aka Kate Heartsong) © All rights reserved.

Reiki class with Kate

Photo by Karelnoppe

Reiki Classes with Kate

It’s a deep honor for me to teach Reiki….and now for 15 years!   As you may know, I’m a Reiki Master and Teacher, and I discovered Reiki (universal life force energy) about 20 years ago.  I’ve experienced the benefits of using this gentle yet effective alternative healing for myself, for clients and also for my students.

Reiki clears out blockages from our energy centers (chakras), relaxes us, brings us into balance and also brings life force energy (chi) to all areas of our being (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual), which supports our vitality and positive health.

As a Reiki practioner, you have more Reiki  coming through you, and  it then passes to your client, offering these benefits.  You also receive Reiki benefits as you work on others.

In my classes, you learn about Reiki, healing and you also receive an attunement.  An attunement is a sacred process the teacher gives her students that expands their aura, allows more ongoing Reiki energy to come through and you experience positive personal growth.

My students consistently share positive comments to me about their class experience with me.  Here is a link of some testimonials (mixed in with coaching ones):  https://joyfulradiance.com/testimonials/

Upcoming classes:
Reiki Level I –  Saturday November 16, 2019.  9:00am to 3:30pm.   $125

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Reiki Level II – Saturday January 18, 2010.  9:00am to 3:30pm.   $125

Reiki Level III (Master) – March 2020.  (exact date TBD).   $150

If you’re feeling the call to become a Reiki Practitioner, or to learn more, let me know!  It would be a honor for me to share this effective and wonderful healing modality.

For the class curriculum, feel free to contact me at 303.549.0546 or my email [email protected]

I look forward to serving you, whether it’s for Reiki session, taking a Reiki class or being your life coach.

Love and light to each of you!

Kate Heartsong

Time Goes By and Gratitude

I hope you’ve had a super summer as well!  Here we are in the fall season already.

What a summer I had!  Many outdoor music concerts, getting together with friends, weekend trips, a trip to New York for my nephew’s wedding and so on.   I’ve been busy!   I have to admit, time got away from me…..and here we are in the first week of October and I realized (my apologies!) that I haven’t sent an enewsletter in three months!

I’m inspired to share with you how my perspective of having even more gratitude for my life and my good health.  I’m finding myself grateful for even more things in my life, such as the beautiful weather, my car starting everyday, my friends and colleagues at work, my family and friends, my having healthy and accessible water, and so on.

My invitation to you is to step back and recognize all the blessings you have in your life and spend time with gratitude.  You may remember that as we are in gratitude, we attract even more good in our lives.  If on the other had, we’re angry or wishing for other things, or unhappy with something, we draw to us more of THAT!

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So, as time goes by, use this time to dig more into gratitude.  Stop occasionally in the moment and ask yourself what you can be grateful for and you’ll come up with something(s) to be thankful for!

By the way, another thing I’m grateful for is the Reiki classes I’m teaching.  I’ve taught now for 15 years, and lately I’m teaching more classes than before.  If you’re interested contact me and I’ll give you information on the upcoming Reiki Level 1 class, in November.   More details to come on this!

Love and light to each of you!

Kate Heartsong

Authenticity and Alignment


In these ever changing times now more than ever, we are being called to a walk and live our authentic lives and come to a deeper fulfillment of our true path in life – that of true peace, love and harmony on the planet.  We can only do this by coming into alignment with our true divine selves, which includes our “at oneness” with The One (our source).


The qualities of The One (love, peace, respect, harmony and so on), which are of the highest vibrations of the universe (of what the universe is made up of) are accentuated when we live and are being from the place of actual alignment with ourselves and our source/The Creator.


One activity that helps to cultivate this alignment is to meditate daily, for this creates a structure/imprint upon our physicality and aligns the human beingness/aspect of ourselves to The One.


Here’s a simple form of meditation:   find a quiet place and sit comfortably in a chair, with both feet on the ground.  Focus on your breath and simply continue for a few minutes doing this.   The way meditation works is by focusing on something;  by doing so, you become more in the present moment.  It’s in being in the present moment that helps you go deeper within yourself.


So, continue on for a few minutes, or even longer.  Or, build up the amount of meditation time to 30 minutes.  You’ll find your day to day life is smoother, and you can better deal with upsets in life.

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As always, here’s to your confidence and grandness of who you are!


Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.  I always love hearing from my readers.



Kate Heartsong




As I sit here today typing up my article for you, my wonderful, awesome readers, I am finding myself once again in gratitude!

Gratitude for each of you!
Gratitude for my electricity and warmth in the blizzard now happening as I type.
Gratitude for my health, my friends, my family, my attitude, by work, etc…

Ah!  I could go on and on with what I’m grateful for!  

And typically each day…..each day!.….I am in gratitude for something or several things throughout the day!
Did you know that you raise your vibration way high when you’re in gratitude?   Being in a higher vibration assists you in living a more calm and joyful life.  Who doesn’t want that?

It’s easy for some of us to focus on upsets in our lives, like what’s not going right for us, such as our job, or an argument with a spouse, or how we may feel we’re not being treated right.  But, did you know that, although it’s important to work through the emotions of our upsets, that when you can then get back to focusing on what is working well in your life, what things you canbe grateful for, that you create more of what you want, and you create a more positive perspective on your life.  Sure, we all have desires to some areas of our lives to be better than it currently is, yet, also know there is plenty of things that are going well for you!  (See below for what I mean by this).

See below for two great and simple tips to cultivate more gratitude in your life.   

As always, I’d LOVE to hear from you.  So feel free to make a comment on my website about this article.

Love and light to each of you!
Kate Heartsong

Empowering Tips to Build Gratitude:
1)  Daily, write down 3 things in your life that’s going well.  Examples include:  you woke up this morning being able to walk, your electricity, cell phone, computer works, your friend called you, you can pay your bills. If you do this in the morning, it sets a positive tone for the day.  Doing this also at night helps you remember what did go well that day.

2) Stop during the middle of the day and think about a positive area of your life you’re grateful for, then feel – really feel –  the gratitude.   Be with this feeling for 1 -2 minutes.  You’ll be amazed at how you feel after such a short time!

Love or Hate? (Part 1 of 2)

Changes Humanity is Experiencing

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Life knows only one thing! Expansion.  It can most effectively expand when people flow and move with change, rather than resist.  Resisting puts a kink in the system. 

Imagine a rubber band that is easy to pull and bring back in. Rubber is malleable.  However, if there’s resistance, this rubber band doesn’t move so easily, becoming stiff, perhaps stagnant and motionless.  The same is true with humans.  Their resistance adds kinks to the whole and in this, a ripple effect, in the form of strife, unrest and even more difficulties than can be imagined, is created.  This further contributes to the rubber bands’s stiffness; this resistance is felt –  usually unconsciously –  by most people, due to everyone being interconnected with all of life. It’s in this resistance, and the deeper (unconscious) awareness of it, that brings strife and unrest to the masses.  

Let’s take this analogy further. Imagine adding a ball to the rubber band and trying to catapult this ball by using a stiff rubber band; it isn’t as effective as a malleable rubber band.  With the stiff rubber band, the ball gets stuck doesn’t move forward.  In its stuckness, it grows stagnate and brings forth a stench that comes from being unable to freely move and not able to expand.  In a similar way, the planet is undergoing a stench, known as violence, war, greed, terrorism, fear, etc.   This has created a concentration of lower vibrational energies with humanity and Mother Earth, making it so that it’s harder to have the natural flow of life, love, harmony and peace.  It’s difficult to bring cohesiveness and proper balance to this stuck ball of humanity.  

What can be done? It’s taking the continual increase in the number of people awakening to love, kindness, respect and caring towards others and towards Mother Earth, to soften the ball, and thus helping the ball to move and expand out of its stuckness.  In doing so, it brings forth the light of Divine good. Some call this grace, others call it good fortune.  Whatever name is given, it is the focus and the intention of many to soften this ball to help make the flow of life occur more easily.  And when it does, the ball, when placed in the rubber band, can catapult through the air in great joy and lightness to bring more fluidity to the humanity. This is a stream of consciousness being cultivated now, through your prayers, love, and compassion. The tips of the scales are towards peace and harmony and yet much unrest still exists; cleansing out the pain is still required to alleviate the “negative”, fear, greed, war and so on.  What is required is the continual feeding of compassion, love, kindness and awareness of oneness (the interconnection of all life), to spiral up the ladder of ascension. When humanity accomplishes this – and it will! – there will be a much-heralded peace that is so deeply craved by humanity, and Mother Earth thanks you for your efforts in this.

Love or Hate? (part 2 of 2)

Changes Humanity is Experiencing (continued)

In recognizing humanity’s patterns of tyranny, abuse, lack of reverence for life, greed, control, hurt and abuse, there is something important to understand.  In all its accord, the masses have come to define these patterns as not being good.  Yes, in terms of human suffering (what you see as suffering) this is difficult and painful to experience and to witness.  But it’s imperative to realize that these circumstances have occurred to bring forth a cry from humanity to say “No more!  Enough! It’s time to unite!”

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It’s in the darkest hour that people bend and release, succumb to the will of God.  For when there is enough ‘pain” there is a softening in one’s heart, for the heart no longer wants to suffer; it yearns for the innate longing of peace and of connection to its Divine self.  And this is where humanity lies now.  There is so much pain that is felt in the “undercurrent of the river of life” – the background; the awareness in the furthest and most deepest areas of one’s beingness. It’s this area – the collective -that’s crying out “Help me!”;  “Help us! We no longer wish to live out of alignment with our true selves”!  Both individually and on a collective basis, we no longer want to live with what doesn’t feelgood.  We want to get into accordance with harmony, peace and alignment with God, Divine, Universe; whatever name you give for The Creator.  To be in unification with, in the flow with, to be as a soft rubber band of fluidity of The One.  So the life force of God, (which is God) can easily flow unencumbered through all of Itself, without strife, without bumping into stagnation or kinks, so the balance between the feminine and masculine is restored to a healthy equilibrium.  

There will come a time on your planet when you will see in history books the great pain, the great human revolution, being broken through, the conquest of this leading to the great era of peace on your planet.  But the times before are of great suffering; it takes this great suffering to birth the new. Like a caterpillar in the stage before becoming a butterfly, a complete breakdown of its essence occurs in order to becomethe butterfly.  This is exactly what’s happening on your planet. Be of good cheer dear ones, for there is muchassistance offered to help your planet and to help humanity’s birthing process!  

Receiving Messages and 2019

Photo credit: ximagination
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Receiving Messages and the New Year 2019

I had an eye-opening experience last month with my Honda SUV.  For fourteen years, this awesome car has always taken me where I want to go! With 191,000 miles on it, it started leaking oil; my car mechanic said it needs a new engine. Whew!  Time to buy a new car.

I considered getting a used Honda, but, to stay in my budget, I’d need to get one with some 50,000 miles.  I’d prefer a car with less miles and didn’t quite know what to do.

I started noticing a few timeswithin a two-day time span, the Chevy emblem and Chevy cars.  It dawned on me that I’m receiving a message through synchronicity.  I asked God to give me a clear sign indicating if I ought to consider a Chevy.   Sure enough, in the yoga class I went to that day, our yoga instructor shared, as part of his inspirational words, “Why not consider alternatives?  Think of other options available to you!”

Wow, that’s a clear message! I thanked God for answering my prayer for guidance!  

I remembered there’s a car dealership five minutes from where I live but didn’t remember what car manufacturer they are.  I drove buy it, and it turns out to be Chevy dealership!.  In speaking with them, they told me about the Chevy Trax SUV.  It turns out I bought a 2018 Chevy Trax with only 11,000 miles that was within my price range. 

I’m grateful to be aware of synchronicities in my life and to receive guidance.  By being more aware –  living a more conscious and mindful life –  we’re better able to live more authentically, be more true to ourselves, follow our inner guidance and live with more joy and peace.

Would you like to cultivate this type of living for yourself in this new year ahead?  What will 2019 bring to you when you increase your awareness to life’s messages, and follow its guidance?    

Messages and guidance come to us in many ways:  through music lyrics; a friend’s words they happen to share; seeing emblems, logos or numbers; seeing a sequence of numbers frequently; getting a feeling or nudge from inside; “hearing” words of wisdom pop into your head; reading a billboard; and so on.

My invitation to you for this new year ahead is to be open to receiving – and listening – to your guidance and messages.  Take note of what comes your way.  Intentionally create a new year that brings more joy and peace, love and abundance, by being open to this guidance!  This is my wish for you this new year, and for always!. See below for two tips on this.

Happy New Year! Many blessings to you always……and in all ways!

Kate Heartsong

Empowering Tips and Tools – How to be open to receiving your guidance and messages:

  1. Be aware of what’s going on! This sounds obvious, but really, most people are so busy they don’t pay attention.  So, increase your awareness, and be with an open and relaxed mind about it.
  2. The natural tendency of life/universe/God is to give answers to questions.  So, ask questions and in a relaxed manner, be on the lookout for answers.  Trust and be open to receive.
  3. Live in the present moment and also being more mindful will help you be more aware. 

An Attitude of Gratitude

Photo Credit:  zven0

Is it really true that it’s almost Thanksgiving?!  I feel I’m still in September.   Whew!…..Time continues to go fast.

This reminds me of how I like to remember to live in the present moment;  time goes fast; it is what is is, and out of my control, so why not live in the now moment?   Through this, you may find yourself having more moments of gratitude because you’re focusing on the present moment.

For instance, what if you were grateful for being able to get out of bed, being mindful of the now moment of rising up for a NEW day?  Or, while eating, being grateful for the taste of it, having money to buy the food, and how easily accessible it is?

Having an “attitude of gratitude” helps you be more positive too!  You tend to see things as more being the glass half full instead of half empty.

With Thanksgiving around the corner, certainly this is the time of year we are more aware of gratitude.  But why not take on the practice of having an attitude of gratitude all through the year, several times a day!?  I’ve been doing this practice for several years, and now pretty much several times a day, finding so many things to be grateful fore.  It helps me recognize the abundance I have in all areas of my life.

Write a comment below on what people, situations and things in your life that you are grateful for.  It would be awesome to hear from you!
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Here’s to building your empowerment and confidence,

Kate Heartsong

EMPOWERING TIPS AND TOOLS – For building gratitude

  1.  Live more often in the present moment, and stop to be aware of what – in this moment – you can be grateful for.
  2. As you prepare to go to bed, reflect on what went right this day, and appreciate it.  FEEL it in your heart!

Copyright © Catherine Sanks aka Kate Heartsong Joyful Radiance  ©


Surrendering is a powerful life practice!  It allows you to create inner peace, go more with the flow of life, and deepen a sense of trust and faith.  As Maryann Williamson, in her book A Return to Love,  puts it so well:  “Surrender means the decision to stop fighting the world, and to start loving it instead.  It is a gentle liberation from pain.”

I recently went through a very unexpected shock about something in my life.  I was so upset for awhile, and remembered the importance of allowing myself to feel my pain and upset, then – letting it take its course – letting go of it and then surrendering.   For me, I remembered that God/Universe/Spirit is always with me, and all of us, and that God knows best for me.  I only see from a tiny vantage point; God “sees” from the FULL vantage point.   In the end, it turns out my upset became a huge gift for me.  I’m grateful for having this experience!

We don’t always know what’s going to happen – how can we?  Life is full of surprises, and if we can relax with what is, surrender into the trust that all IS INDEED for our good, then we can relax more.  This doesn’t mean we won’t have upsets in life; sure we will.  Life is full of ups and downs, but as I recently experienced, once I allowed myself to process through that upset (the emotions, the pain, the ego), then releasing this, and surrendering to God – ah, it allowed a more completion of the full experience of my situation. And also, realizing there IS a gift in everything.

Below, there are two tips on how to surrender.

Feel free to email me at [email protected] and share your comments.  I’d love to hear from you!  You can also go to my website.

Here’s to building your empowerment and confidence,

Kate Heartsong

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Empowering Tips and Tools – Surrendering


  1. Recognize that you’re not the one in control of everything.  There are some / many things out of our control.  Relaxing with what is / accepting what is, helps you to surrender. (It takes practice to do this, but it does work!)


  1. Write in a journal all your feelings about the situation you want to surrender. Include what is the worst that can happen, and just allow that ego/fear to express.  Once you’re done with this, take a brisk walk to “walk off”  the energy of your upset.

Copyright Catherine Sanks aka Kate Heartsong Joyful Radiance  ©

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