Loving Yourself- Is This OK?

Many years ago …in my twenties, I remember receiving excellent support from a remarkable healer and coach. In one of our sessions she told me that “not only is it OK to love ourselves, but it’s also necessary!” These wise words have stuck with me ever since and I share them here with you, as well as with my clients and workshop audiences.
Back then as a child and young adult, I had no self-esteem and no confidence in myself. I had been struggling to feel better, gain inner peace and to realize I am worthy that I am lovable.
Due to the traumatic dynamics of my childhood and with the very different family circumstances I had (like so many of us experienced – dysfunctional families), and along with my hearing loss (I fell out of a window when I was 2 years old – being a curious toddler ! – as lost most of my hearing), I had great shame and loneliness.
Thankfully I had the motivation to make positive change and went to this wonderful counselor/healer who shared those great words of wisdom.:
“Not only is it OK to love ourselves, but it’s also necessary! “
Thanks in part to my healing work with her, along with many personal development workshops and reading self-help books I engaged in, I was able to transcend this difficult time of my life, to be the empowered and self-confident person that I am today!
Was it easy? No. Would I do this again? Yes! Why? Because the childhood trauma and difficulties provided the incubation grounds for me to develop the great compassion, a better understanding of self-confidence, deeper life wisdom, and a better ability to support and relate to my clients, audiences, friends and family……and to myself!
It’s necessary to love ourselves – and it’s NOT egotistical, so long as we know we’re not better than others, because there is every reason to! Plus, we feel better and we can more effectively offer our gifts and skills to others, which helps us live more authentically!
Imagine a world where most people live this way! We would have a more loving, respectful, kind place to live! (By the way, my newest book Humanity’ Cry for Change talks about this, and other important life-changing topics. Scroll down a bit to get a paperback or Kindle on Amazon.)
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So start today to love yourself and know that it IS ok to do this! (see below 2 tips to start!)
Happy Valentine’s Day to EACH of you awesome, amazing, magnificent beings!
I’m honored to have you here as part of my community!
Here are two tips to start cultivating self-love:
1. Each day, write down 3 things that you acknowledge about yourself. These can be simple, small things or big things, like acknowledge yourself for supporting yourself, taking care of your family, being a good friend, having great self-care……
2. Write out a list of all your skills and gifts, and contemplate the fact that only you have this unique combination of these skill and gifts, and you’re good at these! This is what makes. Your special and others benefit from you sharing these! Now, take a deep breath and genuinely offer yourself gratitude for who you are!
Love and light to each of you!
Kate Heartsong
Copyright © Catherine Sanks aka Kate Heartsong Joyful Radiance ©