Wholeness | Meditate and Live from Heart Space to Reduce Ego and Mind Chatter (2 of 3)
(Continued from part 1) How does one cultivate the perception, the awareness, the state of being, of being awake? Of the awareness of the depth of life, the real truth of how life exists – that of unity/connection? One can start by being aware of one’s own self and the different layers one has. You can also meditate to bring more self-awareness.
Through tragedy, through pain, through difficult encounters in life, there is a vehicle by which people can and do “travel” into the deeper parts of themselves. It is via this experience that helps them have a better understanding of the different aspects of their beingness. Have you ever encountered someone who has been going through difficult times, who hasn’t grown and deepened from the experience? Think of all the times in your life that have given way to a better and deeper understanding of yourself, to a point of what’s called wisdom.
When a person goes through this experience – accelerated by having the willingness to explore and process – there is a deeper and better understanding of the connection within one’s self; the experience they are processing and a step towards becoming whole again. Integration of the experience into the whole is what is being described here. The fragments of the human expression is such that, although there is a wholeness (the undercurrent of life always existing) the various aspects of the person, the strength of certain personality traits, are in such combination as to facilitate and cultivate a certain arena, the arena being known as “that person’s particular life” (set of circumstances that define that person being who he is). Once those parts are integrated fully, the appreciation for one’s wholeness can increase. The understanding of one’s self is simply being aware of all different fragments/aspects of one’s self, some of the fragments being more dominant in one person than another. When all these fragments/aspects are put together, there is the much sought after wholeness. It’s sought after on an unconscious, instinctual level.
It’s through the process of what you know as life, that brings together the fragments into wholeness. This is why there is so much wisdom in older people: they’ve brought through their life’s experiences, fragments/pieces together to form a more whole picture from which they perceive and live life; it’s through this wholeness they can better live.
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There is a wholeness within wholeness, the All That Is that is expressed in each one. The analogy of the hologram describes this well. Once we can become more whole ourselves (expressing our unique combination of gifts and talents) then we are better able to put forth the attributes needed for the whole. Each of us are here for the reason of expressing our divine unique expression, the “who we are” combination. Without our contribution the whole is incomplete. We are contributors whether we’re aware of it or not. (continued on part 3 of 3 November 30). http://www.JoyfulRadiance.com