Joyful Radiance, Oneness and Gratitude!

What great blessings I’ve been experiencing!  I attended the Hay House Writer’s Cruise in June, where I met many wonderful authors and also attended valuable workshops offered on this cruise.  I’m so grateful to Hay House Publishing for offering this!  It’s not surprising, yet I’m still in awe, of the variety of important messages that are being shared by the many gifted authors I met.  Their messages vary, yet they also have one thing in common:  assisting people and therefore humanity in a most positive way!  And isn’t it magnificent to know there are so many ways Spirit (God) offers us reminders of who we really are, which is we are divine nature, and that we live with more peace, joy, abundance, love and authenticity when we live from this knowing?  There’s a wonderful ripple effect (joyful radiance) to others, offering a positive influence to humanity, since we’re all one connected.  Oneness and Unity!

 I also traveled to Capital Reef, Utah the first part of July, camping with others in the Dances of Universal Peace dance camp, where our hearts easily open with each other, singing and dancing praises to Spirit, Mother Earth and the world.  In doing this, we help spread peace and love throughout humanity, for as you well know, what we have inside of us contributes to the collective consciousness.  Absolute bliss, being here with our dear Mother Earth, fellow peace dancers and with Spirit.

 I love my spiritual practices of meditation, singing, dancing, contemplation and just being in nature, as well as the gift of being with others on a similar path as I, like my fellow Hay House Cruise authors and peace dancers.  These practices help me stay centered in my busy life.  Without them, I’m more scattered and less joyful.  I realize the vital importance of staying centered through my spiritual practices, especially now with all the changes we as humanity are going through!

Please share with me what spiritual practices you use to help you remember the divine being that you are and assisting yourself in getting/staying centered.  I invite you to embrace them and consistently use them!

I wish for each of you the blessings of remembering who you really are, an absolutely beautiful divine being here to express your unique gifts and talents to the world.  Remembering this will assist you in being authentic, which facilitates living a more peaceful and joyful life!  Joyful radiance!

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Check out some pictures from the dances and the cruise from the photo albums on my Facebook page here:


Kate Heartsong

It’s Vital We Recognize Oneness

Hello Dear Souls!

Throughout the ages humanity has always had the capacity to interact in a way that will create peace and harmony. It is essential to bring this forth now for there is much unrest on our planet. In order to create a solid foundation for harmonious and effective human interaction, it is necessary to recognize that we all come from the same source of life. Many know this as God or the creator of all. When we have a better understanding of this, we better appreciate the concept of oneness. It is because of the oneness, and our connection to The Creator, that we are all of divine light and goodness.

 Not only is it necessary to understand and live this concept of Oneness, but we all greatly benefit when we live from a place of feeling our connection to the Creator as well. It’s one thing to know it intellectually, but another to actually feel it and live it.

Meditation helps me tremendously to stay in my feeling place of connection. It sets the tone for the day. It isn’t often that I miss my meditation, but if I do, I sure notice it! My day doesn’t flow as smoothly and I have more mind chatter.

I’d love to hear your comments on what you “do” to feel your connection to the Creator and how do you maintain this connection if you get off-center.

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Kate Heartsong