Love or Hate? (Part 1 of 2)

Changes Humanity is Experiencing

Life knows only one thing! Expansion. It can most effectively expand when people flow and move with change, rather than resist. Resisting puts a kink in the system.
Imagine a rubber band that is easy to pull and bring back in. Rubber is malleable. However, if there’s resistance, this rubber band doesn’t move so easily, becoming stiff, perhaps stagnant and motionless. The same is true with humans. Their resistance adds kinks to the whole and in this, a ripple effect, in the form of strife, unrest and even more difficulties than can be imagined, is created. This further contributes to the rubber bands’s stiffness; this resistance is felt – usually unconsciously – by most people, due to everyone being interconnected with all of life. It’s in this resistance, and the deeper (unconscious) awareness of it, that brings strife and unrest to the masses.
Let’s take this analogy further. Imagine adding a ball to the rubber band and trying to catapult this ball by using a stiff rubber band; it isn’t as effective as a malleable rubber band. With the stiff rubber band, the ball gets stuck doesn’t move forward. In its stuckness, it grows stagnate and brings forth a stench that comes from being unable to freely move and not able to expand. In a similar way, the planet is undergoing a stench, known as violence, war, greed, terrorism, fear, etc. This has created a concentration of lower vibrational energies with humanity and Mother Earth, making it so that it’s harder to have the natural flow of life, love, harmony and peace. It’s difficult to bring cohesiveness and proper balance to this stuck ball of humanity.
What can be done? It’s taking the continual increase in the number of people awakening to love, kindness, respect and caring towards others and towards Mother Earth, to soften the ball, and thus helping the ball to move and expand out of its stuckness. In doing so, it brings forth the light of Divine good. Some call this grace, others call it good fortune. Whatever name is given, it is the focus and the intention of many to soften this ball to help make the flow of life occur more easily. And when it does, the ball, when placed in the rubber band, can catapult through the air in great joy and lightness to bring more fluidity to the humanity. This is a stream of consciousness being cultivated now, through your prayers, love, and compassion. The tips of the scales are towards peace and harmony and yet much unrest still exists; cleansing out the pain is still required to alleviate the “negative”, fear, greed, war and so on. What is required is the continual feeding of compassion, love, kindness and awareness of oneness (the interconnection of all life), to spiral up the ladder of ascension. When humanity accomplishes this – and it will! – there will be a much-heralded peace that is so deeply craved by humanity, and Mother Earth thanks you for your efforts in this.