Love or Hate? (part 2 of 2)

Changes Humanity is Experiencing (continued)

In recognizing humanity’s patterns of tyranny, abuse, lack of reverence for life, greed, control, hurt and abuse, there is something important to understand.  In all its accord, the masses have come to define these patterns as not being good.  Yes, in terms of human suffering (what you see as suffering) this is difficult and painful to experience and to witness.  But it’s imperative to realize that these circumstances have occurred to bring forth a cry from humanity to say “No more!  Enough! It’s time to unite!”

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It’s in the darkest hour that people bend and release, succumb to the will of God.  For when there is enough ‘pain” there is a softening in one’s heart, for the heart no longer wants to suffer; it yearns for the innate longing of peace and of connection to its Divine self.  And this is where humanity lies now.  There is so much pain that is felt in the “undercurrent of the river of life” – the background; the awareness in the furthest and most deepest areas of one’s beingness. It’s this area – the collective -that’s crying out “Help me!”;  “Help us! We no longer wish to live out of alignment with our true selves”!  Both individually and on a collective basis, we no longer want to live with what doesn’t feelgood.  We want to get into accordance with harmony, peace and alignment with God, Divine, Universe; whatever name you give for The Creator.  To be in unification with, in the flow with, to be as a soft rubber band of fluidity of The One.  So the life force of God, (which is God) can easily flow unencumbered through all of Itself, without strife, without bumping into stagnation or kinks, so the balance between the feminine and masculine is restored to a healthy equilibrium.  

There will come a time on your planet when you will see in history books the great pain, the great human revolution, being broken through, the conquest of this leading to the great era of peace on your planet.  But the times before are of great suffering; it takes this great suffering to birth the new. Like a caterpillar in the stage before becoming a butterfly, a complete breakdown of its essence occurs in order to becomethe butterfly.  This is exactly what’s happening on your planet. Be of good cheer dear ones, for there is muchassistance offered to help your planet and to help humanity’s birthing process!