
As I sit here today typing up my article for you, my wonderful, awesome readers, I am finding myself once again in gratitude!

Gratitude for each of you!
Gratitude for my electricity and warmth in the blizzard now happening as I type.
Gratitude for my health, my friends, my family, my attitude, by work, etc…

Ah!  I could go on and on with what I’m grateful for!  

And typically each day…..each day!.….I am in gratitude for something or several things throughout the day!
Did you know that you raise your vibration way high when you’re in gratitude?   Being in a higher vibration assists you in living a more calm and joyful life.  Who doesn’t want that?

It’s easy for some of us to focus on upsets in our lives, like what’s not going right for us, such as our job, or an argument with a spouse, or how we may feel we’re not being treated right.  But, did you know that, although it’s important to work through the emotions of our upsets, that when you can then get back to focusing on what is working well in your life, what things you canbe grateful for, that you create more of what you want, and you create a more positive perspective on your life.  Sure, we all have desires to some areas of our lives to be better than it currently is, yet, also know there is plenty of things that are going well for you!  (See below for what I mean by this).

See below for two great and simple tips to cultivate more gratitude in your life.   

As always, I’d LOVE to hear from you.  So feel free to make a comment on my website about this article.

Love and light to each of you!
Kate Heartsong

Empowering Tips to Build Gratitude:
1)  Daily, write down 3 things in your life that’s going well.  Examples include:  you woke up this morning being able to walk, your electricity, cell phone, computer works, your friend called you, you can pay your bills. If you do this in the morning, it sets a positive tone for the day.  Doing this also at night helps you remember what did go well that day.

2) Stop during the middle of the day and think about a positive area of your life you’re grateful for, then feel – really feel –  the gratitude.   Be with this feeling for 1 -2 minutes.  You’ll be amazed at how you feel after such a short time!