Our Divine Nature and Oneness

Have you ever contemplated the meaning of Oneness?  I have, and it seems so simple to me now, but at one time, it wasn’t to clear to me.  I enjoy describing oneness  in a simple way:   Since The Creator (God) creates all, and since we are created from this one source of life, all of life is connected, on a deep level, with everything.   How can it be otherwise?  There is only one source of all life. 

Also consider, that The Creator is divine, and since we are created from this source, this means we are divine.  It is our very nature to be divine.  When we can remember this, we can better create and sustain inner peace and this radiates out to others.  Imagine a whole world of people feeling and knowing their divine nature!  There would be more people who are happy!

One way that I am reminded of my divine nature and the interconnectivity of life is when I’m in nature.  What can you do for yourself today to remember your divine nature and that you are connected with all of life? 


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Kate Heartsong

How to Find Inner Peace

As I enjoy this most glorious spring-like weather in Colorado, I find it easy to find inner peace.  When I’m in this place of calm, I have a better way of understanding myself and my divine nature, and I am better able to feel the interconnectivity with life. 

But what about when a person is busy and getting all caught up with so much to do?  I sure know how that feels, but fortunately, in the past year or so, I’ve become much more aware of myself and how I react towards “too much to do”.  I have found much more inner peace as a result of relaxing with time.  So, even though it’s easy to have inner peace on such a beautiful day while taking a walk in nature, I am now much more able to create inner peace when I’m in my “doing” mode.    I pause when I find myself being too busy and recenter myself.

What do you do to bring yourself back to feeling/being inner peace?  What suggestions can you share that can help bring a person back into presence, and a bit away from “being too busy”?  

Many blessings to you on your journey,

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Kate Heartsong

Oneness Consciousness

Oneness consciousness – being aware of the interconnectivity of all of life, living mindfully, that is, consciously.  Living our life from a place of reverence for all of life, being respectful, supportive, understanding, peaceful and loving towards others and towards ourselves.  Creating harmonious interactions with others, animals, plants, our Mother Earth…….

Bringing our gifts to the world and offering ourselves from a place of authenticity. 

What is your definition of Oneness Consciousness?  Would LOVE to know  🙂


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Kate Heartsong

Time to Come Back! Joyful Presence

Joyful presence.  This is a “place” of being in the now.  What a time to be at!  Living in the now, in the very present moment is the real way to bring inner peace.  Surrendering and trusting helps bring me to this place of inner peace, and being aware and truly present also brings me to this inner peace.  Whenever I’m finding myself rushing (which is less and less now, I’m happy to say!), I stop.  I bring my awareness to the present situation where I’m at.  I recognize that I am here, in this joyful present moment.  For each moment is just what it is, each moment.  And where are we in each moment?  Right here!

I heard once a great saying:  It turns out now is the time I’ve been waiting for.

So, how about bringing yourself back to the present.  What does it look like for you when you are in the present moment, joyfully enjoying the inner peace that the present moment can bring?  How can you bring more of this into your life?  Let me know in what ways you bring yourself back to the present moment.

Blessings and an abundance of time and joyful presence to you!

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Kate Heartsong

In Your Busyness, Can You Slow Down?

Last week I had an enormous amount of work that needed to – had to – get done, largely due to my Mexico vacation !  I’ve been wrestling with time for “quite some time” – years actually !  I’ve gotten in a bad habit, a lifestyle, of feeling I need to rush.   How I dealt with all the work I had to get done was  amazing.  I relaxed and surrendered, and as a result, I was more peaceful and calm, and I got more done than I thought I would.  

Why is this?  How can it be that more got done without rushing?  I would love to hear your thoughts on this !  By what mechanism do you think this occurs?

When I’m in a place of complete trust and surrender, however, I find myself slowing down.  It’s as if I have a knowing that somehow – and really, it is “somehow” (Spirit, The Creator) it all gets done.  Afterall, I’ve always gotten everything done that I need to get done.  Stress or no stress, rushing or no rushing, pressure or no pressure, I usually always get done what I intend to get done – sooner or later  !   I have a smile on my face now, as I write this, for I realize that in the end, it really doesn’t matter.  I’ll get done what I get done.  It is what it is !Effective ingredients make it happen: Generally, when it comes order soft cialis to sexual performance. It in turn stabilizes mood and helps to viagra online in canada restore texture and bounce into the hair. The ED market in India is huge and valued at over 100Cr and not surprisingly upto 80% is bagged by fast shipping viagra with Pfizer simply managing a meager share. viagra is immensely effective for men suffering from ED and the craze for the drug is understandable. Kamagra, in fact, is a functional medicine for the use of erection breakdown: The medicine Perhaps, you would have listened buy cialis where .

How is it that you get things done?  Do you rush or are you relaxed?  Are you pressuring yourself, or critizing yourself?

Love Essence – Do you want to feel it ?!

Good Day to You! 

While going about my day-to-day life or in meditation or prayer, I focus on being in my heart space.  I set an intention at the beginning of the day to live from this place, and remind myself several times a day to live from this perspective.  I find it’s such a better way to be and to live !  In my book, Deeply We Are One, the chapter called Love Essence offers simple suggestions to invoke the love we have within, such as remembering a time that you felt so loved and cared for, and feel that feeling.  This can be done anytime, for it’s always within you!  Invoking the Love Essence helps me stay in my place of heart and I’m more joyful and peaceful! 

What ways do you find helps you to live in this place of heart?  What do you do for yourself to invoke the Love Essence that’s within you?

Here’s an idea while your meditating:  focus on your heart space and feel the warmth radiate from you all the way to Haiti !  Know this is bringing healing and love to all the people there.

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Love and joy to you!

Kate Heartsong, Joyful Radiance Center

The Joyful Radiance Center

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Welcome to The Joyful Radiance Center

Kate Heartsong

Kate Heartsong


To promote peace on earth by empowering people to have peace within themselves, to recognize their own divine nature, and to understand their oneness, unity and connection to all of life.

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To create a supportive, interactive and holistic global community of like-minded empowered individuals that will positively impact and connect with people in communities everywhere on a deeper and more authentic level in order to make our world a more joyful, peaceful and heart-centered place for us all.


The Joyful Radiance Center is an on-line community of empowered and like-minded individuals who share a common goal of creating and maintaining peace within themselves and making their own lives a radiant and shining example of love, peace and joy.  The Joyful Radiance Center will also connect people from around the world and through this connection have the opportunity with one another to give and receive information, support and tools to positively change our world one person at a time.

The heart of The Joyful Radiance Center is promoting peace on earth through empowering individuals to have peace within themselves first, which then leads to promoting peace with their own friends and family, communities and throughout the world.  This is done through utilizing innovative and dynamic workshops, seminars, books and the Center’s on-line resources.  These will teach people easy-to-use methods that each one of us can use to transform our lives.

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