Juggling too much?

photo credit.  denchik


I was recently told by a wise Chi Gong master that I’m juggling too much and it helped me realize I’ve been quite stressed and yes, doing too much at once. I admit, I’ve been dealing with a lot (losing my coaching job because the nonprofit closed its doors, my new book and it’s launch, a family member’s surgery, an unexpected situation with a friend, job hunting, building my business)……..but hasn’t everyone been dealing with a lot!?  With so many changes happening on the planet and within our own lives, it’s no wonder so many of us are so stressed and juggling so many things.


Time to stop! Take a breath and reflect.

I know how important it is to laser focus on that which you want to have success with.

And, I want to also share with you what I tell my clients and audiences: the acronym of what I call the C.I.A. no…..not the government agency!  But this stands for Commitment, Intention and Awareness.

Commitment  – Dedicate yourself to what you want to focus on, by being consistent and doing whatever it takes to get it done.
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Intention –  knowing you CAN do this. Having intention is a powerful way to tell the universe you’re serious about doing it!
Awareness – always key in anything we do. When you’re aware, you’re better able to take appropriate action to reach our goals.

So I encourage you to stop and ask yourself if you feel you’re juggling too much, and if so, assess what is most important to you and re-prioritize; then laser focus on just one or (at most) two things.  You’ll find yourself more successful!

Love and light to each of you!

Kate Heartsong

Copyright © Catherine Sanks aka Kate Heartsong Joyful Radiance  ©


Awareness is Key

Photo credit Gnohz, 123RF

How much awareness do you have about yourself? Are you cognizant of your moods, your opinions towards others, how your body feels, in what ways you react to your loved ones?


Earlier today, I was aware of how tired I was, even though I got a good night’s sleep. I was able to honor my body and take a nap early afternoon, and now I’m more clear-headed and better able to work.


Today’s experience of being aware of my body’s tiredness reminded me of the importance of being aware in all aspects of my life. My clients and audiences have heard me say many times how awareness is key in life, because without it, how can we move forward with more mindfulness and efficiency? How can we know what to do to get there from here?


Digging into more self-awareness allows for you to experience more personal growth. For example, maybe you reacted to someone in a way you wished you hadn’t. Being cognizant of how you reacted, and then taking responsibility for it, allows for you to examine how you may do things differently in the future. Or, perhaps you’re aware you’re emotionally eating. When having this awareness, you’re better able to assess what’s causing you to eat this way, and take positive steps to make change.

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You’re encouraged to take responsibility for the all of who you are!

This includes being aware of everything in your life, with compassion and nonjudgment. Being willing to have self-awareness of where you are now, compared to where you want to be, takes courage and takes responsibly, and you’ll benefit from this.


Here’s two tips to help you become more self-aware:

  1. Pause during the day a couple of times and just become aware of how you feel emotionally, how your shoulders feel (are they sore because of stress? Are they up towards your ears or down in a more relaxed position?) and what your stress level is. If you find yourself stressed, take a few deep breaths, being mindful in this breathing; it will help you calm down.
  2. Make it a habit during each day to observe yourself; being a witness to yourself. Be aware of how you perceive your life, your job, your thoughts about the world, your co-workers, your friends. If you discover you would like things to be different, think with love and compassion, how you may go about making positive change.

I would love to hear your comments on this article. Feel free to leave a note here!

As always, here’s to you, your empowerment and joy!

Kate Heartsong

Positive Learnings from Covid-19


Positive Learnings from Covid-19

Hang in there!

Ah! Here we are still in the midst of covid-19 and I’m hopeful this will be behind us soon. It’s my wish that each of you are physically and emotionally healthy and receiving opportunities for growth from this experience!  I myself am doing great, realizing I’m even more grateful for the simple things in life, and have also received the gift of deep insights and introspection.  I, like you probably also, have my times of different emotions coming up, and honor them then let them go.

It’s a time of learning and growing!

My soon to be published book about why humanity is going through the upheavals and what we can do to make this time of personal and planetary change easier to navigate, will be coming out this June! (I will share the name of the book and book launch information with you next month.)

Here’s an excerpt from this book, regarding covid-19:

……humans are far more inclined to make a shift when experiencing great pain, tragedy or heartache. It is no coincidence that the world is experiencing the coronavirus pandemic. This is yet another wakeup call to humanity to take positive and effective action now! To create an improved way of life, we must all do our own personal healing; businesses and other organizations must start working in a sustainable, wholistic and cooperative manner, and all of us must also unite together to create positive global transformation. Why? So that we survive, not just a pandemic, but survive as a species for generations to come. Our very existence is at stake if we do not heed the call to take positive action now.

Our species proves to be resilient. Many lessons and gifts are being received from this crisis. Here are just a few of the many:

  • Creative ways to connect with others, such as singing to neighbors from balconies.
  • Increased awareness of and gratitude for the blessings in life.
  • Personal time for stillness and contemplation.
  • Inner reflection of what really matters.
  • Old wounds arising for us to release and heal.
  • Mother Earth getting some rest by our slowing down from the daily busyness and frenetic energy we put forth.
  • Businesses working with their customers on deferring payments.

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Could it be that the coronavirus global crisis is the very impetus needed to wake us up? Is it possible that humanity’s collective consciousness is crying for change so we can have harmony and respect, collaboration and understanding for all?

Are you now a better person and do you now offer more compassion, kindness and respect as a result of the pandemic? Do you now feel more unity and interconnectedness with your family, your friends, your neighbors, your community—with all of humanity?                                                Copyright Kate Heartsong Joyful Radiance ©

As a way to give back to you and to our community, I am offering my life coaching sessions for only $33 each, through August 1, 2020! Wow, this is a substantial reduced rate from the regular $90 per session.  Take advantage of supporting yourself by contacting me at K[email protected] or call 303.549.0546.

Here is a link to my website to learn of the benefits of coaching and testimonials: click here

Want to gain confidence during this crisis? Feel the need to create action steps so you can accomplish your goals? Then this coaching is for you!






Tools to Calm Down in the Midst of Big Change

My hope is that each are you are healthy, physically and emotionally!

We are in the midst of very trying times on the planet with this corona virus. Here, you will read some techniques that will support you through this.

Before I do, I’m very excited to share with all of you that I my second book will be coming out about June 2020! This is why I have not sent out my monthly enewsletters for a while. My apologies for this; I hope you understand. (Remember you can always go to my website JoyfulRadiance.com to read my previous blogs.)

My forthcoming book talks about what is happening on earth and with humanity today, and why humanity needs to change. It answers the question—and offers solutions—to why humanity is now experiencing increased discord, unrest and also violence. The reason is humanity is going through another evolutionary leap—a new earth—and we are here with this new 26,000 year cycle.

My book describes that in order for humanity to survive, we must shift from believing we are separate, to knowing we are all interconnected. I site several scientific studies demonstrating the interconnection of life.

The solution to save humanity is to act now, and one way is through using a variety of exercises and activities shared in my new book. These are designed to help individuals do their healing work, open their hearts, increase their vibration, understand we are all interconnected and more. Suggestions of what organizations and companies can do are also part of my book.

So if you are ready to receive hope on creating a new earth and to discover how you can contribute to making positive change for yourself, those around you and on our whole planet, you will want to read my new book. I will keep you posted through this enewsletter on the name of the book and its launch date.
Here are simple and effective techniques you can use to calm yourself during this corona virus storm:

Acknowledge your feelings, process through them and then release them! We all have fear from time to time. The important thing is to acknowledge them (don’t ignore them!), AND THEN process them and release them.  Then focus on the positive. Remember, what we focus on becomes bigger.

Be in the present moment more than ever! Doing this helps you focus on what blessings you DO have now in your life. It helps you also to not worry as much about the future.

Count your blessings.Write down or think about 3 life conveniences you still have (electricy in your home still turns on, your car still works, you have supportive friends, and so on).
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Do something productive at your home.Catch up with old paperwork or finish that project you started last year. This helps you continue to feel you are contributing something and support keeping your mind in the present moment.

Here’s one of the many exercises I have in my soon to be published book:

Love Essence
You can practice a morning meditation, focusing on your heart space and having a remembrance of a “love” experience. Love experiences do not mean sexual, but rather, of a warmth and bliss of love, such as what you would feel with a loved one, like as mother or dear friend, or a pet. Have a sense of appreciation and love. Breath this into your whole being. Now, use your imagination that you are pleasantly saturated in this love essence. Set an intention to carry this feeling with you during the day.

Similar to this love experience meditation just described, you can bring forth your own love essence from within, then intentionally send this out. This not only raises your vibration, but assists those close to you, and as you know by now, contributes to the collective consciousness’ state of being. How do you tap into your love essence? One way is that you can imagine a beautiful nature scene, or remember the smell of something pleasing, or act as if you are with someone you love and trust. Closing your eyes, invoke one of these suggestions, and bring it into your heart. Feel it and be with it for a few minutes.


And by the way, happy spring to you! Know that new life IS emerging.

Love and light to each of you!

Kate Heartsong

Copyright © Catherine Sanks aka Kate Heartsong Joyful Radiance  ©

Rising Consciousness


Happy New Year to you!  My wish for you is for a most joyful and rising consciousness into living more from the unity consciousness.  Through this, we will have a chance to create peace on earth.

I’m excited to share with you here, an excerpt from my forthcoming new book which talks about the rising consciousness and necessity of living from the understanding we are all interconnect with all life.  More details on this new book will be shared soon!

Shifts and Changes on Mother Earth and Humanity
The changes and shifts occurring on the planet are accelerating the light within each person.  Many are being awakened.  It’s through this ascension/light/rising process that allows for an easier transition of the light bodies of each person on the planet and in this, they’re better able to live with more respect for all living things and for the earth.

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As more people awaken, there is more love and caring for others and for all of life.  Appreciation increases, even in the midst of the throws of negativity. As this love and appreciation continues to happen more, the pivotal tips of the scale occurs. There’s no turning back.

There will be more peace on the planet due to the rising consciousness. What is this rising consciousness? It is the rising of vibration; the higher the vibration, the closer you get to the vibration of love.  It’s this arena of love that creates and facilitates living from the place of The Creator, for when living from love, there is no room for fear, hate, war, destruction; only love’s high vibration holds the reverence and the respect for of all life.  It’s this love space that all people can better see, feel, and know the real truth of life:  that all life is interconnected and is in unity with everything and everyone; that all life is to be respected and appreciated; and that all life is unfolding for the purpose of expression and expansion.

When living from fear and ego, there is more of a sense of being stuck in life, instead of flowing in alignment with life.  Due to the very nature of fear and ego, it cannot perceive life as being interconnected.  Fear and ego perpetuate a sense of separation.  It’s this sense of separation that creates difficulties, such as the deepened sense of individuality (instead of unity), the “it’s all about me” mentality or the concern only about the company’s bottom line rather than considering one’s actions on the whole and all parties involved.

Life cannot work this way harmoniously.  Therefore the ego and fear based living cannot exist any longer if humanity is to survive.  As Mother Earth ascends with higher vibration, there is an increase with the planet’s discord and an increase in violence all over.  This is due to the ever-increasing mismatch of ego/fear and the higher vibration of Mother Earth.  As Mother Earth’s vibration increases, due to the ascension process, her environment changes. As her environment changes, it becomes even more difficult for Mother Earth to house lower energy frequency/vibration.  It’s like a green house:  plants thrive when the green house is at the right temperature and moisture, but when the green house’s conditions change, the plants naturally should respond to those changes in order to survive optimally.

Copyright 2020 Catherine Sanks (aka Kate Heartsong) © All rights reserved.

Reiki Level III – Master Level Class with Kate

Reiki Level III Master Level

Reiki Level III Master – March 2020. (exact date TBD)

What is a master?  What are you mastering?


Master symbol

How to do a mini attunement

Psyche position

Gyoshi-ho (healing with eyes)
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Koki-ho  (healing with breath)

Overview of important ideas

You’ll receive an attunement for the Master level

You’ll receive a manual with the information we’re covering

Contact Kate at 303.549.0546 or [email protected] for details or to register.

Class limited to 4 students


Reiki Level II class with Kate

Reiki Level II Class curriculum

Reiki Level II – Saturday February 15, 2020  9:00am – 3:00pm

Receive an attunement

Guidelines for 2nd Degree Reiki

You will learn 3 symbols to use:

Power symbol – physical

Emotion/Mental symbol

Long distance reiki symbol

Practice using these with full body treatment

Other Reiki techniques
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Seiheki Chiryo (bad habit leaving)

Aura unruffle

Chakra balance technique

Accessing subconscious

discuss other ways to use the Reiki symbols

Contact Kate at 303.549.0546 or [email protected] for details or to register.

Class limited to 4 students


Reiki Level I class with Kate

Reiki Level I Class

November 16, 2019. 9:00am – 3:30pm   $125

Traditional Usui system of Reiki Natural Healing  (Dr Usui is the man who “rediscovered” Reiki in Japan)

What is Reiki and how it works

Reiki history

Reiki Principles

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Reiki Degrees

Traditional hand positions of giving Reiki to yourself and others

Dr. Usui’s Gassho Meditation

You’ll receive an attunement

An attunement is a sacred process which opens your channels to receive more Reiki energy.  It also provides an opening for your personal healing and increased vibration.

Class size is limited to 5 students.  Only 3 more slots are open so Contact Kate soon!  303.549.0546 or [email protected]

Reiki class with Kate

Photo by Karelnoppe

Reiki Classes with Kate

It’s a deep honor for me to teach Reiki….and now for 15 years!   As you may know, I’m a Reiki Master and Teacher, and I discovered Reiki (universal life force energy) about 20 years ago.  I’ve experienced the benefits of using this gentle yet effective alternative healing for myself, for clients and also for my students.

Reiki clears out blockages from our energy centers (chakras), relaxes us, brings us into balance and also brings life force energy (chi) to all areas of our being (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual), which supports our vitality and positive health.

As a Reiki practioner, you have more Reiki  coming through you, and  it then passes to your client, offering these benefits.  You also receive Reiki benefits as you work on others.

In my classes, you learn about Reiki, healing and you also receive an attunement.  An attunement is a sacred process the teacher gives her students that expands their aura, allows more ongoing Reiki energy to come through and you experience positive personal growth.

My students consistently share positive comments to me about their class experience with me.  Here is a link of some testimonials (mixed in with coaching ones):  https://joyfulradiance.com/testimonials/

Upcoming classes:
Reiki Level I –  Saturday November 16, 2019.  9:00am to 3:30pm.   $125

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Reiki Level II – Saturday January 18, 2010.  9:00am to 3:30pm.   $125

Reiki Level III (Master) – March 2020.  (exact date TBD).   $150

If you’re feeling the call to become a Reiki Practitioner, or to learn more, let me know!  It would be a honor for me to share this effective and wonderful healing modality.

For the class curriculum, feel free to contact me at 303.549.0546 or my email [email protected]

I look forward to serving you, whether it’s for Reiki session, taking a Reiki class or being your life coach.

Love and light to each of you!

Kate Heartsong

Time Goes By and Gratitude

I hope you’ve had a super summer as well!  Here we are in the fall season already.

What a summer I had!  Many outdoor music concerts, getting together with friends, weekend trips, a trip to New York for my nephew’s wedding and so on.   I’ve been busy!   I have to admit, time got away from me…..and here we are in the first week of October and I realized (my apologies!) that I haven’t sent an enewsletter in three months!

I’m inspired to share with you how my perspective of having even more gratitude for my life and my good health.  I’m finding myself grateful for even more things in my life, such as the beautiful weather, my car starting everyday, my friends and colleagues at work, my family and friends, my having healthy and accessible water, and so on.

My invitation to you is to step back and recognize all the blessings you have in your life and spend time with gratitude.  You may remember that as we are in gratitude, we attract even more good in our lives.  If on the other had, we’re angry or wishing for other things, or unhappy with something, we draw to us more of THAT!

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So, as time goes by, use this time to dig more into gratitude.  Stop occasionally in the moment and ask yourself what you can be grateful for and you’ll come up with something(s) to be thankful for!

By the way, another thing I’m grateful for is the Reiki classes I’m teaching.  I’ve taught now for 15 years, and lately I’m teaching more classes than before.  If you’re interested contact me and I’ll give you information on the upcoming Reiki Level 1 class, in November.   More details to come on this!

Love and light to each of you!

Kate Heartsong

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