Our Bright Lights Within- Joyful Radiance!

Happy glorious new day to you!

I’ve seen a number of internet messages lately about shining our inner lights!  Yes!  This is a large message of my book  Deeply We Are One!

Imagine……when your light shines so brightly, you’re living more in harmony with yourself; you feel better; you feel more alive; you radiate out this inner light to others.  Joyful radiance!  When this happens, more people feel this and there’s a great ripple effect.

Imagine a whole world having the opportunity to shine their inner lights, where all people have enough food, water, shelter, self-love, love and community.   It seems plausible that we can create a more peaceful world, yes?

So, how about starting with yourself.  Recognize your accomplishments, acknowledge yourself, be kind and gentle with yourself, use positive self-talk and have fun!  Be in alignment with what you enjoy doing.  These are some things you can easily implement into your life to starting having more peace and joy!  And then…………then   🙂     your inner light shines brighter, and brighter, until ……………it radiates out……..and others feel this, and they feel better and are more inclined to shine their inner lights.  Why?  You see, when you do this for yourself, you help create fertile soil for others to do so, for we’re all interconnected with each other.  Like when we yawn, it’s contagious!

What ways have you uplifted yourself recently and helped to shine your inner light?  Please share here in my blog so we all can learn from each other others what we’re doing.



The Ego and Interconnectivity of Life

To better understand the connectivity of all of life, it is best to understand and connect within yourself. Once you have established the connectivity to yourself in this manner, you will have a deeper relationship with yourself. It is best to remember that the essence of who you are is indeed connected to The Creator, and this is within you. There is a common perception that there is a separation between the ego and The Creator. Remember that all is connected so even though the ego is seen as being the “separator,” this is not quite the case. There is some truth in the ego causing separation, but in the end, what is really the case is the ego is also part of The Creator. It is part of you and therefore it is one with you as well.

It is good to realize the ego can come from a place of separation simply because energies are being fed in such a way as to bring it to a higher light of separation. What is identified as separation is merely a form of energy. It is the nature of this energy to have the requirement of “needing” energy to be fed to it to keep it at a certain energy level. This energy level is different than the energy vibration of your higher source or essence. The separation of the ego is what is perceived, simply because this is how it can be perceived in this 3-D world. In fact, there is no separation; it is only the energy form being of a different vibration. That is simply all it is. The essence from which you come from is of the highest vibration, and because of this, it is within you at all times. It is there, no matter what other energy influences arise.

 Once you establish and understand that the ego is still and always has been one with you, you can relax into the knowing that The Creator is there with you all the time as well. How can it not be? It is always there within your realm because it is all there is. This is also true with the ego. It is there all the time with you because it comes from the same source that everything comes from, The Creator.

How do you feel about your ego ? !  Please comment.  I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Blessings to you,

Kate Sanks Heartsong

Love Essence – Do you want to feel it ?!

Good Day to You! 

While going about my day-to-day life or in meditation or prayer, I focus on being in my heart space.  I set an intention at the beginning of the day to live from this place, and remind myself several times a day to live from this perspective.  I find it’s such a better way to be and to live !  In my book, Deeply We Are One, the chapter called Love Essence offers simple suggestions to invoke the love we have within, such as remembering a time that you felt so loved and cared for, and feel that feeling.  This can be done anytime, for it’s always within you!  Invoking the Love Essence helps me stay in my place of heart and I’m more joyful and peaceful! 

What ways do you find helps you to live in this place of heart?  What do you do for yourself to invoke the Love Essence that’s within you?

Here’s an idea while your meditating:  focus on your heart space and feel the warmth radiate from you all the way to Haiti !  Know this is bringing healing and love to all the people there.

Love and joy to you!

Kate Heartsong, Joyful Radiance Center

The Joyful Radiance Center

The Joyful Radiance Center is an on-line community of empowered like-minded individuals who share a common goal of making their own lives and the lives of those around them a radiant and shining example of love, peace and joy.

Welcome to The Joyful Radiance Center

Kate Heartsong

Kate Heartsong


To promote peace on earth by empowering people to have peace within themselves, to recognize their own divine nature, and to understand their oneness, unity and connection to all of life.


To create a supportive, interactive and holistic global community of like-minded empowered individuals that will positively impact and connect with people in communities everywhere on a deeper and more authentic level in order to make our world a more joyful, peaceful and heart-centered place for us all.


The Joyful Radiance Center is an on-line community of empowered and like-minded individuals who share a common goal of creating and maintaining peace within themselves and making their own lives a radiant and shining example of love, peace and joy.  The Joyful Radiance Center will also connect people from around the world and through this connection have the opportunity with one another to give and receive information, support and tools to positively change our world one person at a time.

The heart of The Joyful Radiance Center is promoting peace on earth through empowering individuals to have peace within themselves first, which then leads to promoting peace with their own friends and family, communities and throughout the world.  This is done through utilizing innovative and dynamic workshops, seminars, books and the Center’s on-line resources.  These will teach people easy-to-use methods that each one of us can use to transform our lives.