The Journey IS the Destination!

I encourage each of you to remember that each journey you embark upon always starts with the first step, then another…….  and that there are gifts along the way!  In fact this is often the very reason for your journey!

I’ve felt compelled to share the message of peace and oneness.  So much so that I wrote my first book Deeply We Are One and released it January 2010.  I spent most of my time the first part of this year (can it really be September already!?) learning about the publishing industry, marketing, and… more than anything else, learning more about me, like for example, just how much  resilience and determination I have (alot!).

I’ve assessed where I was at the beginning of my journey and where I am today, and I’m SO grateful to say I’ve received many gifts along the way.  The biggest one is that I’m even more trusting and more in a place of surrender to Spirit. You know how there’s a difference between knowing something intellectually, as compared to knowing it through your heart and therefore really living and feeling it?  Well, that’s the biggest gift I’ve received from this journey of mine!  I’m SO grateful, for I have even more peace and joy in my life and really know that everything is working out for the best.

And I have the greatest joy in sharing my deepened peace and joy with others and to be more of service to others.  My passion is to assist others in recognizing their absolute magnificent selves, uplifting their self-image, creating peace and to understand the interconnectivity of life!

So…now I continue with my Joyful Work (this is what I call it when I’m working on my book launch campaign on Amazon – which is, by the way, October 19th!)  and am happy to say things are starting to come together!  Oh my!!!  What a journey I’m on!

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I wish for you great travels on your journey and invite you to share with me here what gifts you’ve learned or are learning and what advise you have!


Kate Heartsong

Follow Your Heart !

As I sit here on this beautiful Colorado September day, I’m reflecting on how I’ve spent most of my summer:  working on my book proposal and also on my book launch campaign for Deeply We Are One.   There were many social invitations I passed up and hikes I didn’t take.  Instead, I chose to focus on what my heart is telling me:  get the word out on peace and oneness!

It’s so important to follow our inner calling.    It’s what facilitates our being authentic.  It’s what brings us into and keeps us in alignment with our own selves.  It’s what we’re here to do and be.  And when we’re like this, it encourages others to live the same way.

I’m sure you know what it feels like if you’re doing something that just doesn’t make you happy.  Compare that to what you feel like when you are doing something you love and are passionate about.  What a difference!  What aliveness I feel when I’m doing an activity I’m passionate about!

I encourage each of you to do what you love, even if it’s only for a part of your day or your week.  It could be as simple as taking a walk in nature or being with a friend.  Or it can be an art project or writing project that you put off.  Why not make the time now for it?

Remember also that it’s all up to you!  You always are at choice.  Life is better when you follow your heart!

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Synergy of Individuals and Oneness – Part Three

Part Three of Three:

What can you, as an individual being, do to assist in helping humanity better live this Oneness?  You can start by having inner peace and honoring all life.  Stop and think of, consider, what your actions may do to another and to the environment.  Think of the whole organism that you’re part of (a rotary club, school, work, family); whatever component you belong to.  Simply stop and consider what you’re doing and how it can/will effect the microcosmic group you’re involved with.

Make it a habit, a lifestyle, to live in this manner, and you will start noticing a shift, a movement of a positive nature.  When all people, or at least most, live from this type of awareness, more of solidarity can be created within that group.  A sense of synergy, of wholeness, of connection, can emerge.  This further creates a deeper sense of caring, compassion, and respect for the whole as well as the individual’s involved in the group.  A beautiful harmonious synergy develops.

Let us now begin the process of unfoldment where the love circulates throughout each person and weaves sweetly and gently through the group, and this radiates out to other parts of the larger community, within which there is the ever unfolding matter of humanity, ever expanding in the rising consciousness, so there is more love radiating out, and in, out and in.

Keeping the heart space open is paramount to implementing this process of “group awareness”.  One can start with creating a feeling of love in the heart space and intending it to be open, like keeping a valve open.  This of course facilitates being connected to Source.

I find myself keeping my heart space open more than ever before.  It really does help me to be in a more loving and present state with people and myself.  One of the best ways I know how is closing my eyes and focusing on my heart and imagining and feeling, the love that’s there.  Then I imagine and feel it radiating out !  Joyful radiance!  This also facilitates my feeling and living in Oneness.

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Are there ways you keep your heart space open?  If so, please share!  We’d love to know!


Kate Heartsong

Synergy of Individuals and Oneness-Part Two

A summary of Part One, posted July 23rd of my blog is: There’s a synergy, an activity that emerges as a result of all souls interacting with one another, to form a bigger “picture”, a bigger purpose. So while we are creating our own life (our incarnation) we are also creating a “bigger life” – a bigger picture if you will, of the intention of the whole of humanity.

Part Two

Remember, each of us are part of the larger “collection”/entity/organism. Each of us is a necessary component, a required piece of the whole. So it is with the oil spill and containment. It was/is necessary for this to have occurred so humanity has a flavor of the interconnectivity that life has. It represents the individual parts (animals, plants, oil, people, machinery) that, together, form a new “entity”: environmental catastrophe. This can be seen as an organism – in this case – an event – that can assist humanity up the ascension ladder, one rung at a time. When we dissect its impact we see it must be the elements, the individual components, that drive the whole new organism to a new place, to a new level of vibration. The fear, the anger, the protests to “what is”, coming to the surface in such a way as to allow the flow of humanity to break way to a new paradigm. This new paradigm being cooperation among all individual components, in the way that best serves the desired end result – that of restoring the area to its original/pre-oil spill condition and assisting humanity in recognizing Oneness and of course living and being in a state that honors this realization of the interconnectivity of life. This is demonstrated by a variety of ways, such as being respectful and kind to others and ourselves. It also includes considering what the entity’s impact (for example, the oil company) is going to be on everything and to make changes as needed to make that impact effect everything in a way that’s for the highest and best good for all and to avoid making monetary gains a priority. I realize that as I go about my daily life that I have an impact on others. Some of the actions I take include thinking positive thoughts, meditating, considering the environment, being kind and respectful to others and reminding myself of the wonderful interconnectivity of life. In what ways are you mindful of the impact you have on your surrounding environment and people? Please share your thoughts.


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Kate Heartsong

Synergy of Individuals and Oneness

The whole of human consciousness is such that it is in a creative flow for a certain outcome.  This outcome is being orchestrated (and already known) by the oversoul of each incarnate person.  So, we all have our own personal piece of the puzzle that contributes to the intricacies of the whole.  What is often overlooked is the fact that we come in with a certain agenda – plan – for the incarnation – and we believe we have a common flow of activities to reach.  But what actually happens is there’s a synergy, an activity that emerges as a result of all souls interacting with one another, to form a bigger “picture”, a bigger purpose.  So while we are creating our own life (our incarnation) we are also creating a “bigger life” – a bigger picture if you will, of the intention of the whole of humanity.  It is as if to say that the “whole”/bigger picture is an organism unto itself as the individual is an organism unto itself.  The two are parallel.  They match up in vibrational frequency when there are groups of people serving a similar or same function, for example, a rotary club or a church.  All people have the same agenda they are striving for.  And so, the vibrational match and the synergy is born. 

The same is true with humanity and also Mother Earth.  The consciousness of the whole planet combines, coagulates, coalescences with each other to form the whole.  The “whole” is the oneness we can perceive – the interconnection of the planetary life forms called humanity.  And it is in this collection of individual souls (what to you and I may appear as individual in this 3D world) that “go into” the mass, the larger organism.  Indeed this isn’t really quite the case but to put it into human terms so one may understand this concept of The One, we put it into this analogy so you may better understand its concept.

I believe two ways I contribute to the whole, to humanity, is by maintaining my inner peace and also by being kind and respectful to others.  There is a wonderful ripple effect, a radiance, that comes forth from me to others and this contributes to the collective consciousness in a positive way!

In what ways do you feel you contribute to the whole?  In what ways are you maintaining inner peace?

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Kate Heartsong

Joyful Radiance, Oneness and Gratitude!

What great blessings I’ve been experiencing!  I attended the Hay House Writer’s Cruise in June, where I met many wonderful authors and also attended valuable workshops offered on this cruise.  I’m so grateful to Hay House Publishing for offering this!  It’s not surprising, yet I’m still in awe, of the variety of important messages that are being shared by the many gifted authors I met.  Their messages vary, yet they also have one thing in common:  assisting people and therefore humanity in a most positive way!  And isn’t it magnificent to know there are so many ways Spirit (God) offers us reminders of who we really are, which is we are divine nature, and that we live with more peace, joy, abundance, love and authenticity when we live from this knowing?  There’s a wonderful ripple effect (joyful radiance) to others, offering a positive influence to humanity, since we’re all one connected.  Oneness and Unity!

 I also traveled to Capital Reef, Utah the first part of July, camping with others in the Dances of Universal Peace dance camp, where our hearts easily open with each other, singing and dancing praises to Spirit, Mother Earth and the world.  In doing this, we help spread peace and love throughout humanity, for as you well know, what we have inside of us contributes to the collective consciousness.  Absolute bliss, being here with our dear Mother Earth, fellow peace dancers and with Spirit.

 I love my spiritual practices of meditation, singing, dancing, contemplation and just being in nature, as well as the gift of being with others on a similar path as I, like my fellow Hay House Cruise authors and peace dancers.  These practices help me stay centered in my busy life.  Without them, I’m more scattered and less joyful.  I realize the vital importance of staying centered through my spiritual practices, especially now with all the changes we as humanity are going through!

Please share with me what spiritual practices you use to help you remember the divine being that you are and assisting yourself in getting/staying centered.  I invite you to embrace them and consistently use them!

I wish for each of you the blessings of remembering who you really are, an absolutely beautiful divine being here to express your unique gifts and talents to the world.  Remembering this will assist you in being authentic, which facilitates living a more peaceful and joyful life!  Joyful radiance!

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Check out some pictures from the dances and the cruise from the photo albums on my Facebook page here:


Kate Heartsong

The Ego and Interconnectivity of Life

To better understand the connectivity of all of life, it is best to understand and connect within yourself. Once you have established the connectivity to yourself in this manner, you will have a deeper relationship with yourself. It is best to remember that the essence of who you are is indeed connected to The Creator, and this is within you. There is a common perception that there is a separation between the ego and The Creator. Remember that all is connected so even though the ego is seen as being the “separator,” this is not quite the case. There is some truth in the ego causing separation, but in the end, what is really the case is the ego is also part of The Creator. It is part of you and therefore it is one with you as well.

It is good to realize the ego can come from a place of separation simply because energies are being fed in such a way as to bring it to a higher light of separation. What is identified as separation is merely a form of energy. It is the nature of this energy to have the requirement of “needing” energy to be fed to it to keep it at a certain energy level. This energy level is different than the energy vibration of your higher source or essence. The separation of the ego is what is perceived, simply because this is how it can be perceived in this 3-D world. In fact, there is no separation; it is only the energy form being of a different vibration. That is simply all it is. The essence from which you come from is of the highest vibration, and because of this, it is within you at all times. It is there, no matter what other energy influences arise.

 Once you establish and understand that the ego is still and always has been one with you, you can relax into the knowing that The Creator is there with you all the time as well. How can it not be? It is always there within your realm because it is all there is. This is also true with the ego. It is there all the time with you because it comes from the same source that everything comes from, The Creator.

How do you feel about your ego ? !  Please comment.  I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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Blessings to you,

Kate Sanks Heartsong

Example of Interconnectivity of Life

There is a divine connection between all elements of life.  Here’s an example of the interconnectivity within a city that illustrates this simply: There are many systems that are vital to the functioning of a city. The police that manage the city, trash collectors who clean up, people providing food, teachers teaching, government governing and so on. Take away any one of these functions and you can immediately see that there is a hole, a lack, and a difficulty of continuity. Imagine if trash were not picked up. What discord this would establish in your city! Then once again “restoring wholeness” when the trash collectors come back to pick up the trash. This requirement is the same regarding the planet and the ecosystem. When you take out one thing that may seem insignificant, you actually start to erode the balance and proper functioning of the planet. The interconnectivity of the planet and the smooth operation of living on the planet requires all elements to be in place; every system, every organism, every cell. The entire planet is made up of interconnected microcosms.

Studies show there are symbiotic relationships among all areas of the earth. Once you realize this, you can appreciate there are organisms that will not survive without their host, and the host suffers as well, not having the benefit of the organism. When you apply this notion to the planet and the people on this planet, you will understand that there cannot be an effective symbiotic relationship with Mother Earth and her people without both parties doing what they need to do. You can well imagine that Mother Earth will function fine without the people, for this was the case for many millennia before people came to the earth. But the people cannot live without Mother Earth.


What examples can you come up with that demonstrates interconnection between different elements of your life, or your family, or your community?

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Namaste !

Kate Sanks Heartsong

Acknowledging Oneness in Your Life

There are certain criteria that can help establish the understanding within your own life in order to better live in the realization of the interconnectivity of life. You may say having and living this knowing of oneness is a new establishment for mankind. Having this is important because the old ways of living are simply not possible anymore; they do not work. This is evident when you consider that for thousands of years there has been war, yet this has not brought worldwide peace.

 It is time to make a change and this change involves understanding the concept of oneness. You can easily understand this concept, and the concept that all of us are connected with each other, when you comprehend that you are a creation of The One, therefore you are part of The One. You and The Creator are one and the same. When you recognize this, you can then better realize that everything and everyone is part of The Creator, and therefore all of us are connected. Remember that The One is all there is and from The One comes everything. There can be no separation when there is only The One. When you understand that we are all one, with each person being a unique individualized part of The Creator, with a specific purpose to fulfill, you can better realize the concept of oneness.

When I go about my day and I see someone, I say to myself sometimes “You and I are one”.    Doing this reminds me of my connection to everyone and everything.  I will stop and appreciate a flower or tree, or say I’m thankful for a beautiful blue sky.

What type of activities do you incorporate into your life to remind you of our interconnectivity of life?  If you don’t have a regular practice, you can start today, even one acknowledgement per day of our oneness and interconnectivity helps to bring this into your awareness, and this builds up.  It has a wonderful cumulative effect on our psyche and our heart.

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May there always be inner peace with you and those around you !

Kate Heartsong

It’s Vital We Recognize Oneness

Hello Dear Souls!

Throughout the ages humanity has always had the capacity to interact in a way that will create peace and harmony. It is essential to bring this forth now for there is much unrest on our planet. In order to create a solid foundation for harmonious and effective human interaction, it is necessary to recognize that we all come from the same source of life. Many know this as God or the creator of all. When we have a better understanding of this, we better appreciate the concept of oneness. It is because of the oneness, and our connection to The Creator, that we are all of divine light and goodness.

 Not only is it necessary to understand and live this concept of Oneness, but we all greatly benefit when we live from a place of feeling our connection to the Creator as well. It’s one thing to know it intellectually, but another to actually feel it and live it.

Meditation helps me tremendously to stay in my feeling place of connection. It sets the tone for the day. It isn’t often that I miss my meditation, but if I do, I sure notice it! My day doesn’t flow as smoothly and I have more mind chatter.

I’d love to hear your comments on what you “do” to feel your connection to the Creator and how do you maintain this connection if you get off-center.

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Kate Heartsong

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