
I came across a true story on line that inspired me.  It’s from SkilledAtLife.com.  Here it is:

Part of a man’s fence was broken by a storm. His neighbor’s son, who is 17 year old, volunteered to fix the man’s fence and chose to do this without receiving payment. He explained, after the man asked why he wanted to receive no compensation, and the 17 year old said it was due to this ex-girlfriend had cheated on him and he was devastated. He chose to do a good deed to help him feel better, to focus on something positive  – the good deed – and felt this would change his mindset. What wisdom from this young man, realizing that when he focuses on something positive, it helps him deal with the current challenge in his life.
This story demonstrates the power of our thinking and perspective. We are powerful creators ! No matter if we think positively or negatively, what we’re doing is broadcasting our thoughts to the universe.  You see, everything is energy, including our thoughts, emotions, words and actions.   What we experience in our life depends on our perspective.  When we have a positive perspective, then positive things come to us. When we think negatively, we tend to receive more negative. The universe works like a boomerang:  what you put out comes back to you.  Like attracts like.

One way you can cultivate positivity in your life is to have positive self-talk as much as possible; make it your status quo! Many of us criticize ourselves, and this creates negative, lower vibrational emotions.  Here’s a simple 3 step process to turn that around:
   1. Observe your self-talk. If it’s negative, then
   2. Stop. Imagine a stop sign, to stop talking negative.
   3. Replace the negativity with a positive phrase.

A coaching client of mine had a lot of negative self-talk when she first started working with me. I shared this simple 3 step process to build positive self-talk, and her positive phrase is “I am a treasure”.   She uses this (and other positive phrases) when she catches herself talking negatively to herself.  I’m happy to say that she shared with me that she has greatly reduced her negative self-talk, thanks to this process, as well as other tools I told her about, to build self-esteem.

You’re invited to come up with a positive phrase to use, and then use it!

Here are other tips to be positive:
Hang out with positive people
Stop listening to news
Do fun things
Reflect on the positive gifts or lessons received from challenges

Remember, it’s important to be aware of your perspective on your life’s journey, for this is what shapes your reality! 

Many blessings always!

Kate Heartsong

You Can Choose a New Beginning

You Can Choose a New Beginning

Happy new year!

I was blessed to receive an insightful poem from a friend on New Year’s Day, that inspired me to share here with you. Its message shares that we can always start with a new beginning, not just at New Years. (Out of respect, I’ll not share the poem here because I don’t know the author’s name and so am not able to give credit to them).

Some of this poem’s insights include that nature doesn’t know that a new year began; the sun, stars and moon don’t know either. The universe follows its cycles and continues in its life, and doesn’t have a “New Year”.

To begin anew or not, is your choice. You can start anytime to begin anew. And this can be a great way to live your life. It also helps cultivate being in the present moment, and to reflect on what new things you want to create in your life.

As you probably already know, the best and truly only time to live is in the present moment.

Each moment of our lives carries the possibility of a new year. Be willing to reflect on questions such as:
What are your priorities? What is important to you? How do you want to show up each day? What personal growth do you desire to achieve?

Answer these questions. Reflect on others. Dig deep. Find treasure within yourself. Create anew each day! You are the creator of your life, and you have the power to choose what your life is like and how happy you are. Do your best to live authentically, using the gifts and skills that come naturally to you.

Choose well each day what you desire and create the person you want to become. Infinite possibilities exist for you!

Kate Heartsong

© copyrite 2025 Joyful Radiance Kate Heartsong

Living a Conscious Life

Most of you are probably going through even more challenges in your lives. There are also challenges globally. We are being called to release the old that no longer works for us, both individually and collectively.  Some of you may be sensitive to energies (like I am), and are being even more affected by these changing times.

I find that when I am living more consciously (you can also say mindful, aware), as much of the day as possible, it helps me to better deal with all the energies and challenges going on in my life. Ah!  Living more consciously brings me into the present moment, which helps me positively deal with all this change going on in my life, and better cope with energies of those around me and the collective consciousness’ energy.

Here’s another way that can help you be in the present moment:  be keenly aware of your physical movements and your physical location. For example, become aware of one foot moving in front of the other as you walk; feel the water on your lips as you drink; be aware of how you’re breathing (fast or slow). If you’re breathing fast, slow down. This helps you calm down.

You’re invited to become more conscious in your daily life. This is an effective way to live, especially in these busy holiday season, it can support you slowing down and dealing with all this commotion.

Wishing you an abundance of joy, love and peace this holiday season, and for always!


Kate Heartsong

Abundance and Gratitude

As we have gratitude, our energy field tells the universe / God / Spirit that we have an abundance.  Why? Because we have the sense, the feeling, the knowing of having it!  It is in the knowing, of which gratitude is one way to demonstrate this, that allows us to bring more of that we have gratitude for, to come to us.

Over the years, thankfully (pun intended!), I have gained more of a sense of gratitude for the money I have.  I used to have a fear around not having enough money, so sure enough, I didn’t always have enough.  Now however, I know I have more than enough , and I have gratitude for the money I have.  For example, I may make a cash withdrawal from the bank, and when I get home, I hold the cash to my heart and feel a sincere gratitude for this cash.

In what way do you demonstrate gratitude for what you have, people in your life, your finances, your career?  Perhaps you silently say thank you for receiving a compliment on your work, or your spouse acknowledges you for something you did.  Whatever it is, are you feeling—and perhaps you say it out loud—”thank you!  I am so grateful!”!

Speaking of gratitude, I am SO grateful for each of you!

Here’s to your confidence, joy, empowerment and fun!
Kate Heartsong

© copyrite 2024 Joyful Radiance Kate Heartsong

Appreciate What You Already Have

You’ve probably have heard to not take things for granted.  Yet we often do take people and/or and things for granted.  For example, how many times have you started your car and it starts?  You don’t think anything of it right?  How about when you get together with your friends and loved ones; go to the same job each day; have enough food on the table; feel physically healthy; are able to walk; and are free to go where you want to go?  Yes, all of these are easy to take for granted.

Yet, when something unexpected happens and what you’ve been taking for granted is gone, oh!  that’s when we appreciate it all the more!  And often we experience great upset when it’s gone.

Sometimes we can take ourselves and our skills and gifts for granted.  For example, how many times have you shown up to work, offering your organizational, communication, and/or leadership skills – whatever gifts and skills you use – without giving it a thought of the positive benefits you’re giving to your employer, co-workers and clients?

What would it be like if you came to truly recognize those gifts and skills at work?  And what about at home in your personal life?  What would it be like to really appreciate yourself?  This will increase your self-confidence!  And the awesome thing about this is, as you raise your self-appreciation and confidence, and NOT take yourself for granted, you also benefit others around you!

Make it a habit to have gratitude for yourself and your gifts and skills you bring to work and in your personal life.  Gratitude is such a powerful and positive emotion, and it raises your vibration, so you feel better!

You’re invited to write a few of your gifts and skills and feel gratitude for yourself.  Also, write down five people and/or things you’re choosing to NOT take for granted.

Here’s to your confidence, joy, empowerment and fun!

© copyrite 2024 Joyful Radiance Kate Heartsong

Awareness – One Power Tool for Goal Achievement

To enhance successful goal achievement, it helps you to have awareness about why you want to reach this goal, and to also be aware of various aspects of your goal. Here are some examples of questions to reflect for increased awareness:

1.What is the reason for you having this goal?    What is your Why?   Ask yourself what achieving this goal would mean for your life. Ask again, find the why behind the why. We reach our goals better when the goal is meaningful and we know the reason we want to achieve the goal’s outcome.

Example: Susan has a goal of getting a job promo – why? Earn more money. Why? To buy a home. Why? To have status as a home owner. Why? She wants people to admire her. Why? Perhaps she has low self esteem. You get the picture.

2.Is the reason you want to achieve your goal in alignment with your passions and values; are you being true to yourself?    Or are you doing this for someone else?

3.What are the action steps to achieve my goal?

4.Are you aware of any research needed and if so, have you done your research?

5. Is now the right timing to work towards that goal

6. Are there any distractions, obstacles or fear that would slow you down or stop your taking actions towards goal achievement? 

7. aware of any bad habits, such as procrastination that may stop you from achieving goals?

8. is the goal realistic?  John’s goal may not be realistic now – with having to work full time and raise his children

9. in what way will you track your progress and adjust as needed?

10. Are you working from the heart,  or head?  Love or fear?

11. if it’s a big project and overwhelming, in what ways can you make it manageable? For example, break down big actions into bite size pieces.

Allow yourself to take the time to explore and answer these questions, which will support you in achieving your goal!

Here’s to your empowerment and successful goal achievement!

Kate Heartsong

© copyrite 2024 Joyful Radiance Kate Heartsong

Realize Your Greatness!

photo credit ximagination

It’s vital that you realize you are an important and special person!  Each of us are here offering our unique gifts and skills, and experience our own journey of life.  How special is that!

Here’s a tool to use that will support you in building a better self-image which supports you realizing your greatness.  You are invited to use this tool daily!
Self-appreciation Tool
This tool works great when you sincerely appreciate yourself for your gifts, skills, talents and also accomplishments (big or small) you’ve done.  Take a piece of paper and write down 3 to 5 gifts, skills, talents and/or accomplishments you appreciate yourself for.  You may already know what these are, but if you don’t, think about those things you love to do, or skills people compliment you on, and also think about what you’ve done to help out your friends, co-workers, family and/or your community.
Now, sit in a comfortable chair, with both feet on the ground, and relax. Feel in your heart a sincere appreciation you have for someone in your life.  Keep FEELING the appreciation for this person for a few minutes.  Now, pick one of the skills or gifts you have and start appreciation yourself for this.   Continue feeling this for a few minutes, with sincere gratitude for yourself!  You’ll find yourself being uplifted and feeling better!
You’re invited to do this on a daily basis, and you’ll find you’ll benefit by recognizing the good of who you are. Remember that it’s not egotistical to appreciate yourself.  Realize that the more you appreciate yourself, the more you’re able to give to others!
Here’s to your confidence, joy, empowerment and fun!
Kate Heartsong

©copyrite Joyful Radiance LLC

Will You Help Bring in the New Earth?

I’m honored to be a messenger about the evolutionary shift humanity is going through right now. In order for us individually and collectively bring in a more loving, respectful, peaceful, kind and harmonious humanity, which includes knowing we’re all interconnected and respecting Mother Earth, each of us CAN contribute! Following is an excerpt from my latest book Humanity’s Cry for Change. Together we CAN make a positive difference in our lives and for humanity!

To reach the new earth more effectively and easily, it is best to implement the following:

  • Go with the predominant changes occurring with the evolutionary shift happening worldwide. Those who resist this shift will have a harder time adapting to the new environment.
  • Work on your own personal healing (on your own and/or with a professional). As you address, process, release and thus heal, from any childhood trauma, unresolved upsets and/or life challenges, you clear out negativity and you bring in positivity.  On all levels of your being, you are healthier and energetically lighter.  This results in your capacity to live a more joyful, harmonious and peaceful life, as well as having a higher level of consciousness. 
  • Live from the higher vibrational emotions such as love, kindness and respect, versus lower vibrational emotions such as anger, jealousy or hatred. (Everything in the universe, including emotions, have a certain level of vibration. “Higher” and “lower” here refers to the level of vibration).
  • By living authentically and in alignment with their individual true essence, people will experience a more optimal life. This means to genuinely live in a way that honors their true character and offering their real gifts and talents. 
  • Come to understand and know that all life is interconnected. When people achieve this understanding and knowing of how life is, they naturally respect all forms of life, resulting in increased collaboration, kindness, peace and harmony throughout humanity.
  • To effectively bring in the new earth requires considering all components of a system that are affected, including when creating a new organization, business, construction project, or community organization. It also requires successfully implementing policies and procedures to support equity for, and inclusion of, the diverse employees as well as the clients or customers of any organization.

Would love you to post your comments here.

Wishing you empowerment and joy!

Kate Heartsong

©Copyright Joyful Radiance, LLC Kate Heartsong

Peace or Upset. Which do You Choose?

When you’re faced with something challenging, an upset or just something not going right, what do you do? Hopefully you acknowledge your emotions and feelings about it, then process them, and then get back to calm and be centered.

Sometimes something is so upsetting that we’re in the midst of those emotions for hours or maybe days. Last week I had something happen that caused me to go into fear and upset, for a few hours. It was fascinating to observe myself! I realized the best I could do for the situation is to feel my emotions, process them and then let them go!

I wanted to be in peace, and no longer be upset.

Letting go and trusting, and positive self-talk about the situation helped me.

Which do you choose, peace or upset? Recognize that which you have control over and which you don’t have control over. Worrying, being upset and angry or frustrated doesn’t make it better. It makes it worse.

So next time, acknowledge your upset, process through that upset in whatever way you find works, then … then! get back into peace and calm. Maybe easier said than done; it depends on the challenge. However, know it CAN be done! You’re always at choice!

Love and blessings to EACH of you! May you have peace!

Kate Heartsong

Saving Time? Is That Even Possible? LOL

Do you find yourself rushing to get ready for the day? Running out of the house to meet someone and stressed because your hurrying yourself? Ah!  I know the feeling,  but fortunately I don’t do this as often as I used to

This morning though, before writing this article, I was rushing to get ready for the day, so I can get to my desk sooner because I have so many tasks to do for my business. I had a great meditation, but then, hurried through my shower, took less time for my daily morning yoga and didn’t have breakfast, all to “save time”.

Save time?!  What does that really mean?  To me it means rushing!  Because – yikes!  We can’t “save” time.  It goes along as it does.  It is what it is.

What I did instead of saving time, is I became a bit stressed.  Thankfully I became aware of this and in this awareness, I slowed down, took a couple of deep breaths and consciously shifted gears.  Long ago, I’ve come to realize if I rush, I stress myself.  Who needs that?!  No one!

What do you do to help yourself be aware of yourself, say for example,  for getting ready for the day? During your busy day at work, you may want to remind yourself to check in periodically with yourself and ask:

            Am I rushing?

            How do I really feel now?  Focused on work? Stressed?

            What is my body telling me now?

Being aware of ourselves and then shifting our pace or using positive self-talk to reduce stress are easy ways to create a more mindful and happy life.

Comment here to let me know what tools or tips you use to reduce stress and stop rushing.  I always love hearing from you!

Love and blessings to EACH of you!  May you have a productive and relaxed day!

Kate Heartsong

2024 copyrite © Joyful Radiance LLC

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