Realize Your Greatness!

photo credit ximagination

It’s vital that you realize you are an important and special person!  Each of us are here offering our unique gifts and skills, and experience our own journey of life.  How special is that!

Here’s a tool to use that will support you in building a better self-image which supports you realizing your greatness.  You are invited to use this tool daily!
Self-appreciation Tool
This tool works great when you sincerely appreciate yourself for your gifts, skills, talents and also accomplishments (big or small) you’ve done.  Take a piece of paper and write down 3 to 5 gifts, skills, talents and/or accomplishments you appreciate yourself for.  You may already know what these are, but if you don’t, think about those things you love to do, or skills people compliment you on, and also think about what you’ve done to help out your friends, co-workers, family and/or your community.
Now, sit in a comfortable chair, with both feet on the ground, and relax. Feel in your heart a sincere appreciation you have for someone in your life.  Keep FEELING the appreciation for this person for a few minutes.  Now, pick one of the skills or gifts you have and start appreciation yourself for this.   Continue feeling this for a few minutes, with sincere gratitude for yourself!  You’ll find yourself being uplifted and feeling better!
You’re invited to do this on a daily basis, and you’ll find you’ll benefit by recognizing the good of who you are. Remember that it’s not egotistical to appreciate yourself.  Realize that the more you appreciate yourself, the more you’re able to give to others!
Here’s to your confidence, joy, empowerment and fun!
Kate Heartsong

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