
I came across a true story on line that inspired me.  It’s from SkilledAtLife.com.  Here it is:

Part of a man’s fence was broken by a storm. His neighbor’s son, who is 17 year old, volunteered to fix the man’s fence and chose to do this without receiving payment. He explained, after the man asked why he wanted to receive no compensation, and the 17 year old said it was due to this ex-girlfriend had cheated on him and he was devastated. He chose to do a good deed to help him feel better, to focus on something positive  – the good deed – and felt this would change his mindset. What wisdom from this young man, realizing that when he focuses on something positive, it helps him deal with the current challenge in his life.
This story demonstrates the power of our thinking and perspective. We are powerful creators ! No matter if we think positively or negatively, what we’re doing is broadcasting our thoughts to the universe.  You see, everything is energy, including our thoughts, emotions, words and actions.   What we experience in our life depends on our perspective.  When we have a positive perspective, then positive things come to us. When we think negatively, we tend to receive more negative. The universe works like a boomerang:  what you put out comes back to you.  Like attracts like.

One way you can cultivate positivity in your life is to have positive self-talk as much as possible; make it your status quo! Many of us criticize ourselves, and this creates negative, lower vibrational emotions.  Here’s a simple 3 step process to turn that around:
   1. Observe your self-talk. If it’s negative, then
   2. Stop. Imagine a stop sign, to stop talking negative.
   3. Replace the negativity with a positive phrase.

A coaching client of mine had a lot of negative self-talk when she first started working with me. I shared this simple 3 step process to build positive self-talk, and her positive phrase is “I am a treasure”.   She uses this (and other positive phrases) when she catches herself talking negatively to herself.  I’m happy to say that she shared with me that she has greatly reduced her negative self-talk, thanks to this process, as well as other tools I told her about, to build self-esteem.

You’re invited to come up with a positive phrase to use, and then use it!

Here are other tips to be positive:
Hang out with positive people
Stop listening to news
Do fun things
Reflect on the positive gifts or lessons received from challenges

Remember, it’s important to be aware of your perspective on your life’s journey, for this is what shapes your reality! 

Many blessings always!

Kate Heartsong