Piece of the Puzzle

Have you ever wondered if you’re important? Have you ever had self-doubt? Sure, most of us have, at one time or another. What’s important of course is to come back to the realization that you are important and you do have much to offer!

Imagine a piece of a puzzle. It has a unique shape, different than those around it. It has a shape that is a mirror of those pieces directly adjacent to it, so it can fit into/with the adjacent pieces. Now, imagine you are this puzzle piece, and imagine what the puzzle looks like without you. The puzzle is not whole; it’s not complete! And the adjacent pieces are”missing” you; these are your family, friends and community; and the whole puzzle is the world.

Remember, you’re an important part of the whole. It’s good to realize that the unique gifts and talents you offer are vital to this whole. Without you – without your piece of the puzzle – the whole is not complete and it’s not experiencing your gifts and talents.

If you have self-doubt about your importance to your family, friends, community and for that matter, to the world, remember the piece of the puzzle, and know you are indeed important!

Namaste – The Divine in me recognizes the Divine in you.
See below for more !

“Tips and Tools”
(These tips and tools offer ways to feel better about your self and to create inner peace. As we do this for ourselves, it radiates out to others since we’re all connected! Imagine millions of people feeling peaceful and joyful. We’d be helping to create a more peaceful world.)

Ways to Uplift Yourself
Look in the mirror and acknowledge yourself!
– Make a list of gifts and talents you have and then close your eyes and appreciate yourself for having these.
– Acknowledge any self-doubt that may arise and examine why it’s there. Then move on, replacing it with positive affirmations.
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On a personal note – from Kate:

Happy Day to You !
Just like everyone else, I’ve experienced and still do sometimes, a feeling of self-doubt. But then I acknowledge it, examine why it’s there, then I implement a tool or technique to deal with my feelings and move on. I believe it’s so important to have a few tools and techniques to pull out of our toolbox of life so we can get back on track, get back to feeling good.

We all experience times in our lives when we fall into self-doubt, negative feelings and challenging experiences, but these are here for us to grow. Through these, we expand and have a better appreciation of the good times!

Life sure is a playground of different types of experiences, isn’t it!?

I appreciate you and I know YOU are important!  Thanks for being here on the planet with me !


(this blog is from my monthly brief and inspirational eNewletter.  Email me at [email protected] to join this list.

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