Inner Peace

Phot by Misstuni

Lessen Resistance

Have you noticed that when you allow everything to be just as it is, without resistance or judgment, that you’re more at peace? Think about that!

Sure, this is often easier said than done, but one of the ways to be more of a self-master is accept what is. One of the ways I do this is I recognize that being upset and resisting just doesn’t change a thing; it only causes me to be upset.
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When I find myself upset or resisting something,  I’ll have a conversation with myself that goes something like this:   “Well, you know you can’t change it, and all the resisting what is, and being upset about, is just not going to magically make it better!   After all, if you just start thinking of something more pleasant, you’ll get your mind off of this annoying thing, and maybe you will start lifting up your mood!