Build Confidence!

For those of you who’ve been feeling for a long time that you’re low on self-confidence, and you maybe you also just don’t feel very empowered to get things done or get what you want, here’s some inspiration and hope for you:

it’s possible to build your self-confidence!

Yes, over time, with commitment and intention in using confidence-building techniques, and using these consistently, over time, you will feel better about yourself and raise your confidence

Here’s one tool for you to use now:

Write down 3 activities you’ve done recently that you feel good about.  This could be organizing a party, making a delicious meal, buying that perfect gift for someone, taking your friend out for dinner, etc.

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Now, just sit with this and focus on this.  Feel this with deep appreciation for yourself and allow yourself to bath in it.  Build confidence by recognizing your worth !  Do this daily and you’ll start gaining more self-confidence.



Inner Peace

Phot by Misstuni

Lessen Resistance

Have you noticed that when you allow everything to be just as it is, without resistance or judgment, that you’re more at peace? Think about that!

Sure, this is often easier said than done, but one of the ways to be more of a self-master is accept what is. One of the ways I do this is I recognize that being upset and resisting just doesn’t change a thing; it only causes me to be upset.
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When I find myself upset or resisting something,  I’ll have a conversation with myself that goes something like this:   “Well, you know you can’t change it, and all the resisting what is, and being upset about, is just not going to magically make it better!   After all, if you just start thinking of something more pleasant, you’ll get your mind off of this annoying thing, and maybe you will start lifting up your mood!

What Brings You Joy?

Increase Confidence by Honoring Yourself with Joy!

Do you love dancing,photography or drawing, being with friends? Do you love your music, reading, volunteering? Do what brings your joy….honor yourself! And……please remember that EACH and every day is precious.

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Don’t take this day for granted! You never know when your time is up on the planet, or if you’re not as healthy as you are now and won’t be able to do what you want. So, experience joyful fun things !  For me, I love hiking, dancing and chanting.

Share here with a comment:  what do you do that brings you joy ?

Treasure What You Already Have


You’ve probably have heard to not take things for granted.  Yet we often do take many people and things for granted.  For example, how many times have you started your car and it starts?  You don’t think anything of it right?  How about when you get together with your friends and loved ones,  or go to the same job each day, have enough food on the table, be able to fill your car with gas, feel physically healthy, are able to walk, and are free to go where you want to go?  Yes, all of these are easy to take for granted.

Yet, when something unexpected happens and what you’ve been taking for granted is gone, oh!  that’s when we appreciate it all the more!  And often we experience great upset when it’s gone.

Just last week I went to my car in the garage, and pushed the garage door opener, and the garage door got stuck.  It turns out the whole spring and cable came out!  I couldn’t get my car out after trying to open the garage manually either.  It was a helpless feeling, knowing my car was stuck in this garage and I couldn’t go to teach my class!

Thankfully, my friend and also my next door neighbor were available quickly after I contacted both of them.  Wow!  They assessed the situation, were able to put their muscles to work and manually lifted the heavy garage door.  I was free!  Talk about a great demonstration of being taken care of by the universe through these two wonderful men acting so quickly on my behalf.

This situation wasn’t extreme as others, yet it reminded me to appreciate and treasure what I do already have.  Think about those people  who have lost a loved one suddenly in a car accident, or a person who can no longer walk due to an illness.  What about those who have lost their sight or hearing, or got laid off from their job?

I bring these examples up simply to remind you to not take things for granted.  Having gratitude for all you have and for the loved ones in your life helps you feel better and raises your vibration.  Gratitude is such a powerful and positive emotion!

I invite you to read the two tools below on how you can better appreciate and treasure your loved ones and what you already have.  By the way, the more in this “gratitude attitude”, the more positive things you bring into your life!
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Kate Heartsong

Empowering Tips and Tools –  Increase Gratitude and Treasure What You Have

 – Tell those you love how you feel about them by calling them or telling them in person.

– Make a point to feel gratitude several times each day for all the good that you already have in your life.  Stop and appreciate!

I’d LOVE to hear from you!  Email me today with a tool or tools that you currently use to increase gratitude.  Thanks!

Blessings to each of you!

Increase Your Vibration | Love Yourself and Love Others

How does one maintain, or get to a higher vibration? It is in theory simple: love yourself and you will love others; love others and you love yourself. This, unfortunately, is not possible now with many people on the planet due to their upbringing, set of circumstances, ego-stronghold, stubborn holding onto the old. These all contribute to less love within, and more violence within. When this perpetuates – which it has for centuries – it creates a more muddied-up environment (or ocean, to use the analogy from Love or Fear blog). Through this, it’s not so easy to see through and not conducive to maintaining the rest of the collective’s higher vibration. Fortunately it takes far less drops of positive energy/higher vibration, to dilute and cleanse the muddied up waters. This is why the light workers’ (and other awake individuals) positive work is so potent and important: their higher vibrational states of being contribute much to cleaning up and clearing up the ocean’s debris.

As an enlightened and awake being who desires to increase your vibrational state of being, here are some techniques you can use to raise your vibration:

Do a morning meditation, focusing on your heart space and having a remembrance of a “love” experience, which can be the feeling of warmth and bliss of love when you’re with a loved one; this can include the sense of appreciation and love as well as self-love.

Another thing you can do to cultivate higher vibrations is to bring to yourself the gift of “present living”: This means be aware of present time. Live in the Now, where all things are One and there is no time. With a perspective of “no time”, that is, appreciation and present living, you can better approach your inner calm.

Stop and smell the roses, the roses being anything that brings you calm and relaxation. For example, stop and look at a pleasant photograph of your loved one, or smell flowers, or breath in the smell of a meal cooking, walk outside briefly, admiring the earth you are walking upon, the trees, plants or flowers. As you do any of these activities, do so with mindfulness, being fully present.

Living in mindfulness also brings with it the ability to surrender, to truly be with what is. Acceptance of what is brings peace and this cultivates higher vibration. Recognize that which cannot be changed, viewing with no judgment, will help bring relaxation and calmness, resulting in a higher vibration.

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Bringing forth your own love essence, then intentionally sending out this love essence, not only raises your vibration, but assists those close to you as well as contributing to the collective consciousness in a positive way. How does one tap into love essence? Here you can imagine a scene, or remember something pleasant, or act as if being with someone you love and trust. Closing your eyes, invoke one of these suggestions, and bring it into your heart and feel it. Setting an intention to do so will increase its effectiveness.

Please share with us what you do to increase your vibration.  Namaste, Kate




Live from Heart Space to Reduce Ego and Mind Chatter (3 of 3)

(Continued from part 2 of 3)    Live from heart space (love):  this allows more direct access to the All That Is. It allows for a more direct conduit to the calm quiet of infinite information. It’s a lifeline to the unity (Oneness) of all life; you can better feel and live by Oneness when living in heart, for it’s the connector of the human 3D life to the infinite/true reality (which comprises all dimensions/levels of consciousness); it’s through the “live from heart space”  that brings you to the place of higher vibration (the highest being love). When you are living from heart, you are living in an arena of love, and it’s because of this, that you transcend above the ego/mind. It’s a natural outcome. This is why so much is being said now on your planet to live in the heart space, so you have the practical means by which to access love, to access higher vibration, resulting in a more awakened state of being. Through this the infrastructure underneath expands; there is more of the individualized aspects of the whole contributing to the collective consciousness in a loving way. That is, with more love/highest vibration being experienced by more people, more of the collective consciousness expands with more love; the channels of love become more dominant and peace prevails.

When living from heart, more higher vibration occurs throughout the planet. The more people doing this, the better. Humankind benefits. the cosmos benefits; wholeness is restored.

Awaken humanity to the love in your heart, for this is the way of the new earth. Live from your heart space, spreading the love; you will all benefit; there is a synergistic effect that’s imbedded/part of the collective consciousness in which you will benefit. Behold a great truth has been given to you to. Be of a clear and peaceful mind, that of being aware of self, leading to awareness of the whole, for they are one and the same.
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Dig deep into your tributaries, your soul, your beingness, to discover and then live in the truth of who you are. Once you do you will become all the more alive, vibrant, and be a full expression of your life; in this awakened state the whole will become all the more of its intended nature: that of a high vibration of love and peace.


Wholeness | Meditate and Live from Heart Space to Reduce Ego and Mind Chatter (2 of 3)

(Continued from part 1) How does one cultivate the perception, the awareness, the state of being, of being awake? Of the awareness of the depth of life, the real truth of how life exists – that of unity/connection? One can start by being aware of one’s own self and the different layers one has.  You can also meditate to bring more self-awareness.

Through tragedy, through pain, through difficult encounters in life, there is a vehicle by which people can and do “travel” into the deeper parts of themselves. It is via this experience that helps them have a better understanding of the different aspects of their beingness. Have you ever encountered someone who has been going through difficult times, who hasn’t grown and deepened from the experience? Think of all the times in your life that have given way to a better and deeper understanding of yourself, to a point of what’s called wisdom.

When a person goes through this experience – accelerated by having the willingness to explore and process – there is a deeper and better understanding of the connection within one’s self; the experience they are processing and a step towards becoming whole again. Integration of the experience into the whole is what is being described here. The fragments of the human expression is such that, although there is a wholeness (the undercurrent of life always existing) the various aspects of the person, the strength of certain personality traits, are in such combination as to facilitate and cultivate a certain arena, the arena being known as “that person’s particular life” (set of circumstances that define that person being who he is). Once those parts are integrated fully, the appreciation for one’s wholeness can increase. The understanding of one’s self is simply being aware of all different fragments/aspects of one’s self, some of the fragments being more dominant in one person than another. When all these fragments/aspects are put together, there is the much sought after wholeness. It’s sought after on an unconscious, instinctual level.

It’s through the process of what you know as life, that brings together the fragments into wholeness. This is why there is so much wisdom in older people: they’ve brought through their life’s experiences, fragments/pieces together to form a more whole picture from which they perceive and live life; it’s through this wholeness they can better live.
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There is a wholeness within wholeness, the All That Is that is expressed in each one. The analogy of the hologram describes this well. Once we can become more whole ourselves (expressing our unique combination of gifts and talents) then we are better able to put forth the attributes needed for the whole. Each of us are here for the reason of expressing our divine unique expression, the “who we are” combination. Without our contribution the whole is incomplete. We are contributors whether we’re aware of it or not. (continued on part 3 of 3 November 30).


Meditate and Live From Heart Space to Reduce Ego and Mind Chatter (1 of 3)

When we are awake and aware, we are more attuned to the whole, to the unity of life. We are more “plugged in” – not that we are not connected already, for each of us are, but we are more intentionally living. That is, it’s like a light switch: the electricity flowing is always there and always available to us, but we must consciously choose to turn on the switch to have the benefits of it (light). And in the case of plugging into Source, we are – to use the same word! – tapping into the light of God! Lovely synchronicity of words “source” and “light”. For this is indeed how it works! When you are able to intentionally tap into Source/God/Universe, you are accessing more of the All That Is (Oneness). Be aware here of the choice of words being used now. The “All That Is” contains everything and as you are plugged in, you access that portion of the All That Is that is in your frequency, your band width, the alignment into your own unique “soul” aspect that defines who you are in this incarnation.  There are also other band widths at the same time, allowing you to tap into others, if it’s appropriate for you to do so.  Meditate to help you tap into source.

With practice, meditation helps to deepen the access to more of the infinite knowledge, for it’s through meditation that there is a fluidity that’s achieved.  When you meditate, it’s easier for the mind to access more and also there is more fluidity when the mind is in a relaxed state, such as meditation and other quieting-of-the-mind techniques; it’s through this fluid state that the information the person “needs” to know can easier come forth. The more quiet and relaxed your mind is, the easier it is to access the All That Is information.

It is with great difficulty as people go through their lives with an unconscious way of living, not being “awake”; the mind gets caught up with circles of mind chatter, not being able to hear the information they have access to. And in this ego-driven state of being, there are difficulties encountered, for example, the experiences one has are through the superficial, outer shell perspective which encourages a sense of separateness. A person has the perception of the outer level of existence or the individual “capsules” of life; the appreciation for the unity (Oneness), the depth, the connection that actually exists on a deeper level isn’t there. It’s difficult to conceive this truth when living from the ego-centered life, the “separateness vantage view point”.  Learn more about Living from Heart Space on the next two parts of this blog.   (part 2 of 3 on Nov 28, 2012)   You can also go to
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Feeling Your Love Essence & Self-Love Tools (3 of 3)

Feeling Your Love Essence and Self-Love Tools – Part 3 of 3 (watch the video here too!)

See with eyes of love, compassion, respect and caring, on yourself first, then to others! For you cannot see in another, or do unto another, until you have that within yourself first! Imagine being an airline pilot, sitting in the cockpit, with all the control buttons. If you’re not an airline pilot, then you don’t know what to do. It’s the same with emotions within: they can’t be shared with others until you yourself experience them and know them (like knowing what to do in a cockpit).

Once you know the cockpit and how to use buttons, then you can use them, and this causes the plane to fly. You’re invoking buttons, resulting in an effect (flying). Using this analogy regarding you, until you know love, compassion, respect and caring for yourself and within yourself, you can’t “cause” it, that is, you can’t share it and you can’t see it in another person.

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All of your outside environment/life, is an outpicturing of what’s inside of you. So this is why it’s so imperative to cultivate self-compassion, self-love, self-respect and self-honor. Without it, interacting with others becomes hindered (if you want harmonious interactions with others). The ego fights its way for dominance. The ego of another does the same. This is what happens with abrasive relationships. The heart is closed and the ego is in control. To lessen this ego battle, love must come through. Love propels and uplifts the essence of one’s beingness so the ego is not so controlling.

People with like vibration flock together, so opening one’s heart will bring in another heart-opened person. Like attracts like, so when you are living more from an open heart and in your heart space, those people in your life who are not living this way may fall away from your life. Know new people will come in!


Feeling Your Love Essence & Self-Love Tools (2 of 3)

Feeling Your Love Essence & Self-Love Tools (continued from part 1 Sept 18, 2012)  (watch the video here too!)     World peace is possible when all beings are in a state of connection to love energy, or love essence. This love energy is the highest vibrational form of the universe and for this reason, when most people experience this, a real positive change can occur, which can cultivate a more peaceful time on Mother Earth. It’s imperative humanity step up now to create love in their hearts and live from this space. Those who can live from this heart space, cultivating and living this love energy, can uphold it for others who are not capable, for example, those who are hurting and/or who never had the experience of love. For those who are hurting, their hurtful experiences have covered up the love essence, so it’s important to uncover and peel off the hurt experiences that tarnish the true love essence. Self-kindness, self-respect and self-support will help loosen up the old hurts and old wounds. Also, recognizing the good we have within ourselves is imperative to cultivate and maintain self-respect, self-love and self-kindness.


If you’re one of the people who are hurting and/or don’t have self-love, how do you get there? Start one day at a time, one moment at a time, building each day a little more. It can be as simple as looking into the mirror and saying “hi”, acknowledging yourself and appreciating yourself. Do this with as much sincerity as you can. Repeat this several times a day for as long as you can. In time, you will start feeling better about yourself and cultivate more self-love. If you find it’s difficult to gaze into the mirror with sincere self-appreciation and self-acknowledgment, then keep at it. In time, you will feel a positive difference.

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Simple phrases such as “I know you’re doing the best you can” or “You’re a wonderful person” or “You’re doing OK” will help. Say it with like you mean it. Even if the words are not sincere (that a person doesn’t yet believe them), using these thoughts and words start a pattern, and these patterns turn into truth. Physiologically it will change the neuron connections in your brain. In “time”, a change will be detected. Now in this year of 2012, the changes are happening much faster so the positive benefits of this mirror work is faster than in years past. No longer will it take a person years to shift and let go of old wounds, but rather, months.

Meditation also assists in feeling better about yourself, since it’s very calming and centering.  You’ll start feeling better about your day and about yourself.

Look for Part 3 coming soon!

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