Awareness – One Power Tool for Goal Achievement

To enhance successful goal achievement, it helps you to have awareness about why you want to reach this goal, and to also be aware of various aspects of your goal. Here are some examples of questions to reflect for increased awareness:

1.What is the reason for you having this goal?    What is your Why?   Ask yourself what achieving this goal would mean for your life. Ask again, find the why behind the why. We reach our goals better when the goal is meaningful and we know the reason we want to achieve the goal’s outcome.

Example: Susan has a goal of getting a job promo – why? Earn more money. Why? To buy a home. Why? To have status as a home owner. Why? She wants people to admire her. Why? Perhaps she has low self esteem. You get the picture.

2.Is the reason you want to achieve your goal in alignment with your passions and values; are you being true to yourself?    Or are you doing this for someone else?

3.What are the action steps to achieve my goal?

4.Are you aware of any research needed and if so, have you done your research?

5. Is now the right timing to work towards that goal

6. Are there any distractions, obstacles or fear that would slow you down or stop your taking actions towards goal achievement? 

7. aware of any bad habits, such as procrastination that may stop you from achieving goals?

8. is the goal realistic?  John’s goal may not be realistic now – with having to work full time and raise his children

9. in what way will you track your progress and adjust as needed?

10. Are you working from the heart,  or head?  Love or fear?

11. if it’s a big project and overwhelming, in what ways can you make it manageable? For example, break down big actions into bite size pieces.

Allow yourself to take the time to explore and answer these questions, which will support you in achieving your goal!

Here’s to your empowerment and successful goal achievement!

Kate Heartsong

© copyrite 2024 Joyful Radiance Kate Heartsong