Feeling Your Love Essence & Self-Love Tools (3 of 3)

Feeling Your Love Essence and Self-Love Tools – Part 3 of 3 (watch the video here too!)

See with eyes of love, compassion, respect and caring, on yourself first, then to others! For you cannot see in another, or do unto another, until you have that within yourself first! Imagine being an airline pilot, sitting in the cockpit, with all the control buttons. If you’re not an airline pilot, then you don’t know what to do. It’s the same with emotions within: they can’t be shared with others until you yourself experience them and know them (like knowing what to do in a cockpit).

Once you know the cockpit and how to use buttons, then you can use them, and this causes the plane to fly. You’re invoking buttons, resulting in an effect (flying). Using this analogy regarding you, until you know love, compassion, respect and caring for yourself and within yourself, you can’t “cause” it, that is, you can’t share it and you can’t see it in another person.

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All of your outside environment/life, is an outpicturing of what’s inside of you. So this is why it’s so imperative to cultivate self-compassion, self-love, self-respect and self-honor. Without it, interacting with others becomes hindered (if you want harmonious interactions with others). The ego fights its way for dominance. The ego of another does the same. This is what happens with abrasive relationships. The heart is closed and the ego is in control. To lessen this ego battle, love must come through. Love propels and uplifts the essence of one’s beingness so the ego is not so controlling.

People with like vibration flock together, so opening one’s heart will bring in another heart-opened person. Like attracts like, so when you are living more from an open heart and in your heart space, those people in your life who are not living this way may fall away from your life. Know new people will come in!


Feeling Your Love Essence & Self-Love Tools (2 of 3)

Feeling Your Love Essence & Self-Love Tools (continued from part 1 Sept 18, 2012)  (watch the video here too!)     World peace is possible when all beings are in a state of connection to love energy, or love essence. This love energy is the highest vibrational form of the universe and for this reason, when most people experience this, a real positive change can occur, which can cultivate a more peaceful time on Mother Earth. It’s imperative humanity step up now to create love in their hearts and live from this space. Those who can live from this heart space, cultivating and living this love energy, can uphold it for others who are not capable, for example, those who are hurting and/or who never had the experience of love. For those who are hurting, their hurtful experiences have covered up the love essence, so it’s important to uncover and peel off the hurt experiences that tarnish the true love essence. Self-kindness, self-respect and self-support will help loosen up the old hurts and old wounds. Also, recognizing the good we have within ourselves is imperative to cultivate and maintain self-respect, self-love and self-kindness.


If you’re one of the people who are hurting and/or don’t have self-love, how do you get there? Start one day at a time, one moment at a time, building each day a little more. It can be as simple as looking into the mirror and saying “hi”, acknowledging yourself and appreciating yourself. Do this with as much sincerity as you can. Repeat this several times a day for as long as you can. In time, you will start feeling better about yourself and cultivate more self-love. If you find it’s difficult to gaze into the mirror with sincere self-appreciation and self-acknowledgment, then keep at it. In time, you will feel a positive difference.

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Simple phrases such as “I know you’re doing the best you can” or “You’re a wonderful person” or “You’re doing OK” will help. Say it with like you mean it. Even if the words are not sincere (that a person doesn’t yet believe them), using these thoughts and words start a pattern, and these patterns turn into truth. Physiologically it will change the neuron connections in your brain. In “time”, a change will be detected. Now in this year of 2012, the changes are happening much faster so the positive benefits of this mirror work is faster than in years past. No longer will it take a person years to shift and let go of old wounds, but rather, months.

Meditation also assists in feeling better about yourself, since it’s very calming and centering.  You’ll start feeling better about your day and about yourself.

Look for Part 3 coming soon!

Feeling Your Love Essence & Self-Love Tools (1 of 3)

(watch the video here too!)    Love is the answer to all, and it’s through the heart that the love essence, or love energy, flows. When you have love in your heart it emanates many yards out to those around you. You can feel the love within you when you practice going into your heart space. What does this mean? It means to focus on the feeling of love and intending to feel this feeling.

You can invoke this love essence feeling simply by thinking of something or someone that makes you feel good, such a fond memory of someone, self-appreciation, a joyful event or a special place such as the mountains or the ocean. Think of this person, location or activity and focus on it gently, continuing to think about it. The great thing about this is that the mind doesn’t know the difference between the real thing or the thought of it! Once you are in this space, you are invoking a higher vibrational field within yourself. As you do so, it creates a current or a stream of consciousness emanating forth from you. The electromagnetic field which eminates from your heart is amplified when you’re in this heart space and the “love essence” flows out many more yards than it would otherwise. You’re “touching” many around you. Your heart, in this higher vibrational state, is open, pouring forth the love energy, which is the most elemental component (highest of the vibrations) of the universe. In this state, you’re feeling bliss, calm and peace.

It’s powerful to do this in groups as well, for the combination effects are high. Group meditations are highly powerful because of the “concentrated” amount of love energy being put forth at the same time in close proximity of one another. You can form a group of several people, calling forth an intention. In doing so, the synergy of each person’s intention, coupled with the actual love essence flowing through, creates a strong “field” in which the vibration of the whole (all people) is higher; increasing the “feeding” off of each other in a beautiful harmony of dance. It is through this dance, the co-mingling of the many hearts’energy, that creates the synergy and a “pocket” of concentrated energy that becomes even higher in vibration. It’s as if you’re turning on a light switch, in which the group cohesiveness generates even more power. In this state, much can be created.

Look for Part 2 and Part 3 coming soon!
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Kate Heartsong


The Shift: Age of Aquarius and Oneness Part 3 of 3

Part 3

(To view related video, click on “continue reading”) It’s up to each person to get into alignment, move towards, live in tandem with, the “new order”, the “new way of life”; alignment and harmony, respect of Mother Earth (Gaia) and of all of life, so to optimize living together and with humanity’s host (Gaia).  The new order of the planet and of humanity requires (it cannot not happen) the harmony, the gestalt, the “in tandem-type” living. Life on the planet will not survive otherwise.  Humanity is intricately interconnected with (Oneness) Gaia and with all of the universe.

This is why now the old systems are breaking down; they can’t stay in place in the midst of the vibratory environment that’s ever changing, the change that’s due to the imminent shift. The new environment can only best house those living organisms that fit/match the vibration that is now the predominant one (which is a higher vibration now). The old can’t live in the new environment because it doesn’t fit. It rubs up against the higher vibration because it’s not the same vibration anymore. Gaia’s changes are such that it can’t comfortably house life that’s not in harmony with it anymore. It has come to a place of less and less tolerance of the mistreatment to Her. She is expelling out that which doesn’t jive, like throwing up the parts that can’t be digested. Gaia’s having a harder time dealing with those parts that are disrespecting her.
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Now is the time to make positive changes, to honor and respect all of life; to live in the state of Oneness, Unity, and to remember that what you put out comes back to you because we are all interconnected with each other, with Gaia and with all of the universe.


The Shift: Age of Aquarius and Oneness Part 2 of 3

Part 2:

(to view related video, click here on “continue reading”) This evolutionary leap is inevitable. You can better live in harmony with the land by respecting Mother Earth (Gaia) in all things you do. Consider the whole when considering what steps to take, that is, what would be the most appropriate action to take that will have a positive impact on the whole. For example, you can form committees to understand the far reaching impact on all systems within an ecosystem. You can design systems that will optimize or work in harmony with, rather than hurt, another system. Understanding the full impact on all effected components will facilitate a better understanding and give a fuller, more complete picture of the whole.   In doing so, you can better harmonize and optimize the action step(s) you take. In this way there is a wholistic approach and this promotes harmony.  Taking this Oneness, wholistic approach is optimal for all involved because we are all interconnected.

Many systems are in place already that do this, through grass root movements and through some mainstream accepted practices. Unfortunately, there are many more companies not upholding these standards and it is to these companies we are to educate. Breaking down barriers in communication will help. It is to these companies that the changes are most needed, Monsanto being one of them. There is, on an energetic level, a breakdown of the old paradigm and slowly – continuing, yes, the exposure of the non-harmonious systems they’ve been upholding are being exposed. It’s through this that people are becoming even more aware and the discord, the uncomfortableness is increasing. It’s no accident that many current paradigms – ways of doing business – are being questioned and examined. A new generation of workers/people has come and continues to come forth to offer new, more harmonious ways of approaching how to do business and how to be in harmony with Gaia. This is why you see movements like Occupy Wall Street, why financial systems are breaking down, why up risings are occurring and why there’s so much questioning of existing systems. All of this is, of course, is supporting the entry into the new age, the new earth, the Aquarius age of humanity.
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(continue on August 27th – Part 3 of 3)


The Shift: Age of Aquarius and Oneness Part 1 of 3

Part 1
(To view related video, click here on “continue reading”) The time is coming near when all of life will be in sync with The One. There has been, for thousands of years, a disconnect; this was an evolutionary phase and of course a necessary one. But now, humanity is once again in a new evolutionary phase, a necessary leap into a new age, The Age of Aquarius. In all evolutionary phases there are growth pains, changes in the paradigm. Change is not always easy for humans but change is necessary.

There are a great many changes happening on our planet. Mother Earth (Gaia) goes through evolutionary leaps as well, for she is a living organism, no different than any other life form – other than (from your perspective) – size. There are many areas of growth and regeneration, shifts, expansion and changes inherent in a living organism such as Gaia. Due to the inherent interconnection (Oneness, Unity) and the intricacies between Gaia and humanity, naturally, humans go through the growing pains that Gaia goes through. This is felt by the masses, unconsciously by most, conscious for some. When we can be in more harmony with Gaia in her changes, we as a species can flow with life easier.

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You as humanity can reap the bounty of Gaia’s gifts (food, plants, etc.) in a more efficient way when you live in proper alignment. What is “proper alignment”? It is living from the land with reverence and with respect. When you live from this perspective, then naturally a lifestyle conducive to reaping Gaia’s benefits in an efficient, optimal manner, occurs. It is from this efficient, optimal manner that allows all of Gaia’s inhabitants to survive in an easy, bountiful way. Currently this is not the case. Millions of people struggle for the basic of life’s necessities. When life as a whole lives and honors Gaia in a respectful manner, there is naturally efficiency and an increased production of food.

Sustainability and permaculture are becoming more popular because of the necessity of going back to living in harmony with – not against – Gaia. If humanity can do this on a worldwide scale all people will thrive, having enough food and water.  There is a need to understand the interconnection, the Oneness, that is inherent in the relationship between Gaia and humanity, and for that matter, all of life!

(to be continued – look for the next blog on August 24th)

Missing Pieces and Oneness

Imagine what a puzzle would be like if there were some missing pieces.  It doesn’t look whole or complete right?  You can’t see the whole image either.  Using this analogy, imagine what life would be like without all the components that make up this planet.   Everything and everyone is important and vital to the whole.  Why?  Because all of life is interconnected.  Sometimes we don’t always know the purpose of someone or something.   Also, we don’t always understand or see the whole; this is simply because of the perspective we as humans have, which is, by design, a limited vantage point.  (If we were seeing from The Creator’s perspective, we would have the complete “consciousness vantage point” that enables a full perspective and thus understanding.)

Even though we don’t have this full understanding from our human consciousness vantage point, it’s greatly beneficial and imperative that we do understand the interconnection of life and live in this manner.  When we do, we put forth more kindness, respect, love and support to all of life and this ripples out to others, as well as comes back to us (what we put out comes back to us).   You see, it’s vital we live this concept of Oneness!

Enjoy this 3 minute You Tube video for more information on this.

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Kate Heartsong

What on Earth is Happening?

Many of you can feel and sense the many changes happening on the planet, and of course in our own lives.  What’s happening?  There is indeed a shift with humanity and with Mother Earth, and since we’re intricately connected, we’re feeling these changes.

Check out this You Tube video “The Shift, Oneness, and What’s Happening on Earth”  that shares more information about this.  Namaste.

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Be well and happy.

Kate Heartsong

Fabric of Life

When you come to a place of heart, and feel the oneness of life, offering authentic care and respect to all life, there is the vibratory harmonic resenonce that “takes over”.  The web or you can call it “the field”, carries the vibration of what’s put into it.  The whole “fabric of life” is effected by what individualistic energy (thought forms) are put onto this fabric.

Imagine a piece of cloth – fabric that has a golden thread throughout.  Imagine there’s a piece of this golden thread that is botched up, tangled.  It cannot easily pass through that portion of fabric; it is stuck.  In this “stuckness,” the adjacent fabric could tear.  When this occurs on a number of places, the whole fabric becomes weakened.  With many adjacent parts of the fabric weakened, it compromises the integrity and strength of the whole fabric.  In the same way, when there’s “negative” energy put forth by different people, it effects the whole.  Yes, there is no “right” or “wrong” but there are vibrations that optimizes fluidity of the fabric of life.  The key word is optimize.

The best ingredients necessary for a delicious cake are what optimizes the outcome of how the cake tastes.  Love is an optimal ingredient, along with harmony, respect, gratitude, kindness, support, beauty and service to others.  These higher vibratory energies are what optimize the planet’s fabric field ( the web).  To reduce the lower vibrational emotions (anger, hate, violence, fear and so on) is to lower the bumps/glitches of the golden thread that’s weaved throughout the fabric of life, also known as the field, the matrix or the web.

Fabric of Life

When you come to a place of heart, and feel the oneness of life, offering authentic care and respect to all life, there is the vibratory harmonic resonance that “takes over”.  The web, also known as the field, carries the vibration of what’s put into it.  The whole “fabric of life” is effected by what individualistic energy (thought forms) are put onto this fabric.

Imagine a piece of cloth, a fabric, that has a golden thread throughout.  Imagine there’s a piece of this golden thread that is botched up, tangled.  It cannot easily pass through that portion of fabric; it is stuck.  In this “stuckness,” the adjacent fabric could tear.  When this occurs on a number of places, the whole fabric becomes weakened.  With many adjacent parts of the fabric weakened, it compromises the integrity and strength of the whole fabric.  In the same way, when there’s “negative” energy put forth by different people, it effects the whole.  Yes, there is no “right” or “wrong” but there are vibrations that optimizes fluidity of the fabric of life.  The key word is optimize.

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The best ingredients necessary for a delicious cake are what optimizes the outcome of how the cake tastes.  Love is an optimal ingredient, along with harmony, respect, gratitude, kindness, support, beauty and service to others.  These higher vibratory energies are what optimize the planet’s fabric field ( the web).  To reduce the lower vibrational emotions (anger, hate, violence, fear and so on) is to lower the bumps/glitches of the golden thread that’s weaved throughout the fabric of life, also known as the field, the matrix or the web.

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