Abundance and Gratitude

As we have gratitude, our energy field tells the universe / God / Spirit that we have an abundance. Why? Because we have the sense, the feeling, the knowing of having it! It is in the knowing, of which gratitude is one way to demonstrate this, that allows us to bring more of that we have gratitude for, to come to us.
Over the years, thankfully (pun intended!), I have gained more of a sense of gratitude for the money I have. I used to have a fear around not having enough money, so sure enough, I didn’t always have enough. Now however, I know I have more than enough , and I have gratitude for the money I have. For example, I may make a cash withdrawal from the bank, and when I get home, I hold the cash to my heart and feel a sincere gratitude for this cash.
In what way do you demonstrate gratitude for what you have, people in your life, your finances, your career? Perhaps you silently say thank you for receiving a compliment on your work, or your spouse acknowledges you for something you did. Whatever it is, are you feeling—and perhaps you say it out loud—”thank you! I am so grateful!”!
Speaking of gratitude, I am SO grateful for each of you!
Here’s to your confidence, joy, empowerment and fun!
Kate Heartsong
© copyrite 2024 Joyful Radiance Kate Heartsong