What Brings You Joy?

What Brings You Joy?

How was your summer? Filled with joy and fun I hope! Ah, and “suddenly” (it feels that way, right!)  here it is once again, the Labor Day holiday!  It came so fast for me, as it does for many people.

My question for you: to what are you “laboring in?” Is your life difficult, where you feel you’re going uphill? Or, are you experiencing life with joy?

Remember it’s a choice whether we live with labor and burden, or joy and lightness. I know it’s not always easy to choose, but it’s possible to choose joy!

Another question for you to ponder:  Are you working in a job, career or your own business in an area that brings you joy?  Do you wake up excited to work?   If not, consider what does bring you joy and what brings out your natural gifts and skills, and then explore what it would take to make the change into doing the work you love!

Here are two tips on living life in more joy:

1.Remember that what we focus on gets bigger, so keep this in mind in your daily life. Also, be aware of your thoughts and switch to more positive ones when you’re dwelling on worry, anxious or fearful thoughts.
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2. Feel the blessings you already have in your life.  Write down 3 each morning and 3 before bed, and feel these blessings!  This helps you focus on the positive in your life.

My wish for you is great joy!




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