Piece of the Puzzle

Photo by Maxxyustas


It’s absolutely necessary (and NOT egotistical!) to know your value and also your contribution to your family and friends, to your community and also to the whole of humanity!  You’re an important and needed piece of the puzzle of humanity.  Building your self-confidence will support you knowing and living this.

We all have our own personal piece of the puzzle, with our unique combination of gifts and skills and personality traits.  This contributes to the intricacies of the whole, whether it’s the whole of a community we live in, the whole of our family or the whole of the planet.

There is a synergy that emerges as a result of all people interacting with one another, where they’re showing up contributing their own pieces of the puzzle.  Building our self-confidence, getting to know ourselves better and honoring who we are assists in claiming our knowing that we are an important component of all life.  This is also a great way to better understand that we’re all interconnected with each other and with all of life.

Claim your greatness and continue to build your self-confidence!
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