As an engaging empowerment speaker, Kate Heartsong inspires and supports her audiences to:
- Be empowered to know they CAN make positive change, giving them hope for a better life
- Gain new heights of self-appreciation and confidence
- Use the simple tools and concepts offered, to create improved relationships, prosperity, fulfillment and more
“Kate makes you feel safe to share your ideas and gives you tools. She cares! Thank you Kate!” Stephanie T.

Topic: Transcend Chaos into Positive Outcomes
Many people and organizations are faced with increased upheaval, challenges and stress with our increasingly complex world. Many feel overwhelmed and uncertain in how to cope with life. We want relief, real answers and coping tools that work! Kate offers this, and more.
Key Take-Aways – Attendees:
- Become empowered to know they CAN make positive change, which can give hope for a better life
- Receive effective tools to create desired changes, which can create improved relationships, life fulfillment, prosperity and more.
- Find out the reason for the increased upheaval and that positive outcomes can occur
- Discover how, as they positively change, they contribute to the betterment of humanity. Imagine us uniting for this common goal!

Topic: Ascend Into Your Empowered Life!
In this confidence-building talk, attendees discover that having confidence is a strong foundation for success in all areas of their lives. With awareness, intention and commitment, as well as key concepts presented, it is possible to build our self-confidence in ways easier than imagined.
Key Take-Aways – Attendees:
- Discover it’s ok and necessary to have a high, positive self-image, and that it’s not egotistical
- Receive simple, effective tools that cultivate increased confidence
- Learn how to consistently have positive self-talk
- Become empowered to know they can have the life they desire
- Realize the importance of awareness, intention and commitment in cultivating self-confidence
Contact Kate to learn how your organization can benefit from her transformative, insightful and empowering talks.
Kate’s audiences benefit from her engaging and interactive presentations, including insightful exercises, reflective questions and practical, empowering tools. She shares her transformative insights and wisdom which can give audiences a chance to ascend into their empowered life. has appeared on over 50 radio and podcast shows.
The audiences at the Federal Government, Jeffco Workforce Center, Mile High United Way, Toastmasters’ Leadership Conference, People House and Colorado Free University, and other organizations, have benefited from Kate’s speaking engagements and workshops.

“I was aware of feeling heightened confidence immediately after your talk. The overall result has been a huge improvement in my self-esteem and confidence. THANK YOU Kate… to help me reach my goals.” Tammy V.
“You have a special gift!” Ching W.